"For more information on using ReSharper’s Open API, see samples included into ReSharper installation package. You can find them in the PluginsSamples folder located in the ReSharper’s installation folder. It also recommended to read the GettingStarted.html file located in the folder."
"For more information on using ReSharper?s Open API, see samples included into ReSharper installation package. You can find them in the PluginsSamples folder located in the ReSharper?s installation folder. It also recommended to read the GettingStarted.html file located in the folder."
>> Hello, >> >> Is there a documentation for the OpenAPI out there? Or are there any >> tutorials on how to get started? >> >> I'm very interested in extending the funcionality of R# and VS. >> >> Ciao, >> Jens
you may also want to check some plugins already written by the community (e.g. check 'Analyze Accessibility' and NERPA plugins) - they demonstrate how to access PSI (Program Structure Interface) information. If you clarify what you're trying to do and ask more specific questions, we'll be happy to help you.
>> This I found on the JetBrains Homepage: >> >> http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/features/openAPI.html >> >> "For more information on using ReSharper?s Open API, see samples >> included into ReSharper installation package. You can find them in >> the PluginsSamples folder located in the ReSharper?s installation >> folder. It also recommended to read the GettingStarted.html file >> located in the folder." >> >> Ciao, >> Jens >> -- http://www.jenswinter.com >> >> Jens Winter wrote: >> >>> Hello, >>> >>> Is there a documentation for the OpenAPI out there? Or are there any >>> tutorials on how to get started? >>> >>> I'm very interested in extending the funcionality of R# and VS. >>> >>> Ciao, >>> Jens
This I found on the JetBrains Homepage:
"For more information on using ReSharper’s Open API, see samples
included into ReSharper installation package. You can find them in the
PluginsSamples folder located in the ReSharper’s installation folder. It
also recommended to read the GettingStarted.html file located in the
Jens Winter wrote:
Unfortunatly this samples covers very small part of Open API.
There is nothing about Parsing code files. Or changing them.
"Jens Winter" <jens.winter@mdcc-fun.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>> Hello,
>> Is there a documentation for the OpenAPI out there? Or are there any
>> tutorials on how to get started?
>> I'm very interested in extending the funcionality of R# and VS.
>> Ciao,
>> Jens
Hello Daniel,
you may also want to check some plugins already written by the community
(e.g. check 'Analyze Accessibility' and NERPA plugins) -
they demonstrate how to access PSI (Program Structure Interface) information.
If you clarify what you're trying to do and ask more specific
questions, we'll be happy to help you.
Dmitry Shaporenkov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
>> This I found on the JetBrains Homepage:
>> http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/features/openAPI.html
>> "For more information on using ReSharper?s Open API, see samples
>> included into ReSharper installation package. You can find them in
>> the PluginsSamples folder located in the ReSharper?s installation
>> folder. It also recommended to read the GettingStarted.html file
>> located in the folder."
>> Ciao,
>> Jens
>> -- http://www.jenswinter.com
>> Jens Winter wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Is there a documentation for the OpenAPI out there? Or are there any
>>> tutorials on how to get started?
>>> I'm very interested in extending the funcionality of R# and VS.
>>> Ciao,
>>> Jens
Where can I find the two plugins you mentioned above?
The link to the docs is dead. Is there a newer link?