Resharper c++ 10 support for Unreal Engine 4
I am considering buying Resharper c++ 10 and would like to know if it supports UE4? I found 1 or two threads regarding some performence issues but I don't know if they have been resolved or not.
Does anyone have any experience running it with UE4 and Visual Studio 2015?
I know the community has been using VAX but I would perfect Resharper because I am already used to Resharper C#.
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Hello Rob,
Indexing entire UE4 engine would still take a significant time, we're working on improving the perfomance. If using just the UE header files is an option, the performance should be ok. You also always have an option of trying out R++ for a month for free or using one of our pulic EAP builds to check how it works on your projects.
Hi Igor,
thank you for the prompt reply. I will certainly give the free trial a go and see how the performence is.
is there a way to subscribe for this topic so I can get updates once the UE4 performence is resolved/improved.
Rob, you can subscribe to watch - we'll update this issue once we make some noticeable progress with UE4.