Re# C++ and VS Syntax Coloring "fight"
VS 2022. On my system, VS Syntax Coloring and Re# Syntax Coloring seem to regularly get into arguments… and the winner isn't always predictable.
To be more clear… VS starts, opens a C++ file, and the syntax coloring is all VS. Two seconds later, the syntax coloring all changes to Re#. Yay! Thereafter, Re# syntax coloring is almost always used, but SOMEtimes it just STOPS being used. Here's a small example:
Here's a split window view of the start of 2 functions in the same file… The top function, the syntax coloring is all good. The bottom one… is VS syntax coloring:

It's not like this is the end of the world, and at SOME point, doing SOMEthing can (eventually) change the coloring shown on the bottom. I think.
How can I get the syntax coloring to be consistent? Or, at least, force an update when I encounter the problem?
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Thank you for contacting Rider support.
We are sorry to know you encountered such a problem.
Would you mind sharing additional information as described below?
Does this issue happen only when you have the same file opened in split windows? (Please try not to open a single file in multiple splits and see if the issue happens)
Did you notice if the issue happens after rehighlighting the code? (I mean after you edited some snippet or copy-pasted something?)
Any other additional information would be greatly appreciated.
Have a nice day!
Thanks for your reply. It is MUCH appreciated.
Nope. It happens frequently when editing a single file, in a single window. The patterns I see most typically are:
In MOST cases, simply typing something into the incorrectly colored window will change the colors to be correct. But, surprisingly, this does NOT always correct the problem.
It is very clear that VS colors the text first, THEN (apparently) Re# re-colors everything. If I open a new file, it initially is colored by VS then, within a few seconds, the colors get “corrected”.
Is that helpful at all??
Hello Petergv,
Could you please let us know the R# version that you are using?
R# indeed does some optimizations using the visible editor area when performing code highlighting. We fixed a related issue in the 2024.1 release, so we want to make sure it's something different.
Goodness! I'm glad you asked, cuz I was *sure* that my answer was going to be “Of course, I'm running the latest version.”
But I'm NOT! I'm running 2023.3.3 !
Re# ususally notifies me when an update is available. I'll update to the latest and see if I can repro the issue.
Thank you very much!
It's a good time to update because R# 2024.2 has been released just today :) Please try it and let us know if you encounter any issues. Thanks a lot for the feedback!