ReSharper Unit Test - VSDebugger is not available

Since a few days ago from writing this post, ReSharper is unable to debug any of my unit tests with the message “Cannot launch debugger - VSDebugger is not available”. Running them without debugging works though.

I tried reinstalling Visual Studio and ReSharper, also reset settings across both. I tried removing .vs folders, bin and obj. Nothing works. I am able to debug using the Visual Studio Test Runner. I am also able to debug and step through normal code.

I'm on the latest version of both:
- Visual Studio Professional 2022 (x64) Version 17.11.0 Preview 5.0
- ReSharper 2024.1.4


Denboer Paul, thank you for your message. This problem appeared in the new Visual Studio Preview version. We fixed it, the fix is available in the latest ReSharper 2024.2 EAP8. Please try installing it and let us know how it works for you. Thank you!


Thank you for the quick solution! That worked :)


Great to hear that!

Please let me know if you have any other questions. Have a nice day :)


When will this be released outside of an EAP version?


Chris Owens, yes, there will be a release version in mid-August.


2022.2.3 is also affected. When can we expect a fix? Thank you.


Hello Marcus Ohlhaut, thank you for your question. Please install ReSharper 2024.2.3 instead of 2022.2.3. Does it help?


Marcus Ohlhaut, it depends on whether you have a subscription that covers this release or not.
Unfortunately, i don't know what email your license is assigned to (if any). The email that is related to your profile indicates that you don't have any subscriptions. So you will have access to a free 30-day trial period for ReSharper 2024.2.3.
We can discuss this in more detail in a non-public ticket. It can be created using the “Contact support” button above. Thank you!


We cannot download the EAP version because EAP is closed. Why cannot we simply download the EAP version so we can get  back to work?!!!


Hello Wil Bloodworth, thank you for your messge. This fix is ​​also available in the latest ReSharper 2024.2.4, you don't need to use EAP builds.


I'm experiencing this on R# 2022.2, so what does this mean for me? That I can no longer use the R# unit test features unless I upgrade to the latest version?


Hello Astephens1970, thank you for your message. Yes, you need to use a newer ReSharper version.


This is an incompatibility issue between Visual Studio 2022 releases from 17.11 and Resharper releases up to 2024.2.3 however if you don't want to extend your Resharper subscription and stay before 2024.2.3 you need to degrade Visual Studio 2022 to release 17.10.9 or earlier.


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