Updated to latest 2024.1.2 and now not all unit tests being found
379 tests are showing in Vs2022's Test Explorer
but only 342 in R#'s Unit Test Explorer
this was working fine 1 hour ago before I upgraded
I have done a full rebuild, refreshed the list, restarted VS2022
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and cleared the R# cache and restarted
I never actually ran the tests it did find, and of course, unlike VS2022 test explorer, R# doesnt expand out and TestDataMethod tests until they are run. Now I have run them I did get the correct number of tests to match what VS comes up with and again can use the R# test runner - a much more pleasant place to reside than the rather dour and under loved VS2022 equivalent!
I think this is a bug really!
Hello, David Roberts ,
Thanks for bringing this up. Which test framework are you using? We currently have an open request in this regard with xUnit as an example: RSRP-494425 xUnit parametrized tests with InlineData not refreshed in Explorer tree
Hi. I'm using mstest v2 (altho yesterday I updated to v3 to get the improved parameterisation and so avoid using DynamicTest, which I would imagine would be impossible to count!)
Hello, David Roberts ,
Thank you for the update. Please upvote RSRP-494425 and keep an eye on the status updates in the issue.