Option dialog sometimes open oversized (HDPI issue I guess)

Problem: When opening the Options dialog, it is sometimes oversized.

I have three screens, scaled respectively at 100%, 150%, and 200%. I always use the Options dialog on my main screen (100% scale).

About 80% of the time, the dialog reopens in the same place/size (good). However, 20% of the time, it opens at double its size, overlapping two screens. There is no discernible pattern to explain this apparent randomness.

I am using the latest version of R++, but the problem has persisted since I started using ReSharper about two years ago.

I am also using Windows 11, the latest version, and the latest MSVC 2022.

To reproduce this issue, I believe you need a multi-screen setup.


thank you for contacting us.
We have an issue in YouTrack that can be related to the problem you faced.
Please take a look: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSRP-482576/Options-window-gets-bigger-every-time-with-different-scaling-monitors
You are welcome to comment on it.
Thank you!

RSRP-482576 is also probably related to HDPI scaling, but this is not the same problem I have described here.

thank you for the answer.
I've created an issue in YouTrack: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSRP-496898/Option-dialog-sometimes-open-oversized, you are welcome to comment on it and follow up to receive updates.
Thank you!

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