Autocomplete on Enter

Hi All,

I have the Problem that I can't seem to be able to insert the highlighted Autocomplete option with the enter key. The Enter key only seems to work after i have hard selected an item with the arrow keys.

This Behaviour drives me crazy since im used to using the enter key for autocomplete. I dug through the Options, but could not find a way to change this behaviour.


The Docs state:


To choose the pre-selection mode, configure it for each language and context on the Environment | IntelliSense | Autopopup page of ReSharper options : choose Display and preselect for hard selection or Display but do not preselect for soft selection.


When the completion popup is invoked explicitly, for example with CtrlSpace, the best match always has a hard selection.

I have selected Display and Preselect for everytying:

But I still cant use the Enter key (I dont get hard selection), even after i have opened autocomplete manually with cntrl + space.



Am I missing something?


Hello JRDesign, thank you for your question. What Intellisense option do you have set in the (Extensions) | ReSharper | Options | Environment | IntelliSense | General? Could you please attach a screenshot illustrating the issue with code completion? Thank you!



Yes I have the same Issue why do you make it so hard to make this simple change?


Hello Thomasponzo6, thank you for your question. I have checked this behavior and could not reproduce it using ReSharper code completion in C# files. Could you please respond to the following questions?

What Intellisense option do you have set in the (Extensions) | ReSharper | Options | Environment | IntelliSense | General? Could you please attach a screenshot illustrating the issue with code completion? 

Also, please check what settings you have here: (Extensions) | ReSharper | Options | Environment | IntelliSense | Autopopup. If this happen in C# code, then you can select the C# tab and check whether the values are set to Display and preselect everywhere. Thank you!


I'm having this problem as well. I've reinstalled VS and ReSharper (full purge incl registry/appdata) and it was solved for the rest of yesterday, but it's back today again. Here's my settings:

And whenever I'm typing I also never get the “hard selection”, so when I hit Enter it inserts a new line all the time, e.g.:

I'm not sure this is related, but it started happening after I changed some ReSharper C++ settings. We weren't using C++ at work but now we are and since I've been using ReSharper C++ this broken in ReSharper C#.
This is a huge annoyance and hinderance since ReSharper taught me to rely on these completions so I have a lot of muscle memory that now isn't doing what I need, so basically for every few keystrokes I now need to correct what I'm typing, and to add insult to the injury when I backspace a newline it adds a bunch of space for whatever reason.
Is there a version I can rollback to that is proven to work until this is fixed?

EDIT: In Intellisense>General I have this:


Btw, funnily enough, I can autocomplete with Enter in ReSharper C++.


After some further investigation, it seems this is related to the context where I'm typing. I think you guys at JetBrains can easily reproduce this by an xunit test project, it seems when you're typing args none of them hard select:

in the first line I typed `com` and hit Enter. In the one being typed I can't do the same as it results in a newline instead of completion.


When I'm typing parameter names, ReSharper helpfully suggests completions based on the function body, but then this also happens, so it's more annoying than helpful since I need to keep undoing the newline every single time. I'm wondering whether the built-in feature in VS got good enough and less disturbing than ReSharper as to be a replacement by now tbh.


Hello Alan Ciampaglia, thank you so much for the additional information! I was able to reproduce the issue: There is no preselection for items in the completion list. Please comment or vote for it to get notifications about status changes. Thank you!


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