ReSharper Creating and Showing Lots of .TMP Files in Solution Explorer in VS2022 Version 17.9.2
At first I thought this was a Visual Studio issue but as soon as I disabled ReSharper it stopped happening and when I re-enabled ReSharper it stared happening again so it's clearly a ReSharper issue so please take a look at this because it is very annoying and it does impact productivity in a big way.
ReSharper 2023.3.3 started creating and showing lots of . TMP files in Solution Explorer in Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 Version 17.9.2:
These files are also visible in the Windows Explorer, are not deleted when I exit Visual Studio, and are included in search results creating lots of clutter:
Why is ReSharper creating all these .TMP files, how do I prevent it from doing so, or at least get it to stop displaying them in my Solution Explorer?
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Hello Dean Kuga, thank you for you question. It seems that this may be related to the antivirus. Do you use F-Secure? If so, could you please put .cs file extension in the scanner exclusion list? Does it help?
I'm using Malware Bytes and I added both VS folder and my repositories folder to Allow folder list which should exclude all my source code from scanning. I will report back if creation of these .TMP files stopped.
This just started for me after the last update (2024.2.6). It's extremely annoying. I also use Malware Bytes, and the relevant folders are excluded.
It's indeed was delivered with some of the latest r# updates and really annoying. After turning the r# off and on it disappeared but not sure whether forever.
Hello Marcel Popescu and Rumo, thank you for your messages! Have you noticed after what actions these tmp files appear? Do you have AI Assiatant installed?
Rumo, do you also have Malware Bytes installed?
Maria Pleskunina it's not consistent; it happens sometimes when saving the file. I don't have AI assistant installed.
Maria Pleskunina , for me, it only appears when I edit a file and save the changes (ctrl+s), the temp file appears right after this.
I don't have the AI assistant or Malware Bytes installed. I do have the Sophos antivirus but the temp files only appeared for me with the r# updates delivered within the last couple of months. Previously, there were no such issues at all.
Can I somehow enable the detailed log for r# and then track why those files are kept?
Marcel Popescu Rumo thanks for the updates. It sounds like the antivirus software is temporarily blocking the file during each modification. What folders have you added to the antivirus exclusion list?
Any news regarding this issue? I am seeing this behavior too. I don't have the anti-viruses mentioned (I use Win11 default security features), but I do have Codeium's AI assitant installed.
Hi. I also have this problem. When saving .tmp files appear. I do not use any antivirus software.
I'm using Codium extension and resharper as well and after un-installing codeuim this issue disappears.
hope this helps
Ouch! I also use Codeium, I guess I will have to live with the problem.
No, I guess and expect that JetBrains will properly fix this. Uninstalling another party's extension or having to live with the problem, in my view, are two unacceptable propositions.
I use Codeium along with R# as well. So, seems this is the reason.
Yes, I also used Codeium, after removing it the problem disappeared.
+1 for me too. I'm also using re-sharper and codium - disabling codium “fixes it” - it's not a fix as I want to use codium….!
One of my colleagues is not using re-sharper and still has this issue - I don't think the issue is a resharper one
Any update on this issue? I use Codium as well but I've used it for a long time and this issue just started happening with the latest resharper update. Something changed in resharper to cause this issue.
I can confirm that Codeium has released a new version that fixes this problem; false alarm, my apologies JetBrains.
Marcel Popescu, thank you very much for letting us know about this!