Resharper not indexing plugins with Unreal Engine
I'm using Resharper and since I had to use a new pc, it's never indexing Plugin code even if I enable it in the extension menu, it never retrieve symbol even from the most basic function/macro:

I don't know what to do, I reinstalled it three times in a row, cleared caches, lost myself in the options but nothing worked,
Any help ?
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Still trying to figure out, I might have an idea:
It seems he doesn't look in the Unreal Engine sources
Any idea on how to add the unreal path ?
Just to confirm, do you have “Index plugins” enabled? If R# can't find UE headers this probably means that something is wrong with the project files. Try regenerating the project.
I already tried but nothing happened
What configuration do you use, are you sure that the plugin is included into this configuration? Does this happen in other plugins or only in this specific plugin?
Plugin is included into the configuration but it's the only one I'm using
Is this plugin located in the game code or in the engine?
Are there any errors from UnrealBuildTool (in the “Output” tool windows set “Show output from” to “UnrealBuildTool”)?
Is the plugin added to your uproject and is it enabled there ("Enabled": true)?
The plugin is located IN the game code and the UnrealBuildTool don't show anything. I don't know how and why but if I launch the windows debugger from visual studio, add a breakpoint in a file which isn't indexed, at this moment it index the file.
It's strange the UBT log is empty. Do you have “Use Unreal Engine project model enabled”?
In the file with red code, could you please press Alt+Enter, type “/all dump project model” and save the output. Also grab the log from “ReSharper | Help | Show log” and the .json file from “GAMEFOLDER\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\.Rider\PLATFORM\CONFIGURATION\TARGET\GAMENAME.json”. Upload all the files to .
Alt+Enter only add forward declaration at the top of my file.
Here are the upload IDs:
2023_10_26_DyGyu8zsG3WrJSPLB6u7wq (file: ACFSample.json)
2023_10_26_MeYSQwpzXSYfCFRZmFYuij (file: JetBrainsLog.JetBrains.2023-10-26T09-55-41.devenv#7524.log)
After retrying to clear cache, regenarates project files and all that stuff, UBT show this:
So UBT fails to output project information for some reason. We've had a similar report recently -, we'll investigate.
Could you please also share the C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\UnrealBuildTool\Log_GPF.txt file?
Here it is:
Upload id: 2023_10_26_TAiuUcKMi8oJzZJkMrupF2 (file: Log_GPF.txt)
When do you think I could get some help?
The problem is on the Unreal side, so it's not clear. Check out this thread -
Do you have any plugins installed into the engine? Maybe try to remove them and check if this helps?
Thanks for the update, I didn't have many plugins installed into the engine so I tried to uninstall all and added the plugin directly into the project and it fixed my issue,
Thanks for your time !