Incorrect Possible 'System.NullReferenceException' whille all null values have been checked
I don't understand why Resharper warns me for a possible NullReferenceException in this situation. Resharper shows the warning on both foo.Current and foo.Next in the last line of the HasValueChanged method.
private static bool HasValueChanged(Foo foo)
if (foo.Current == null && foo.Next != null) return true;
if (foo.Current != null && foo.Next == null) return true;
if (foo.Current == null && foo.Next == null) return false;
return foo.Current.FooBar != foo.Next.FooBar;
public class Foo
public Bar Current { get; set; }
public Bar Next { get; set; }
public class Bar
public string FooBar { get; set; }
Originally I used an XOR operation to check if jus one of the two values was null and I though maybe that was the reaseon ReSharper didn't see that all possible null scenarios were checked, bu as the above code shows, that wasn't the case. But just for reference: this was my acutal code:
private static bool HasValueChanged(Foo foo)
if (foo.Current == null ^ foo.Next == null) return true;
if (foo.Current == null && foo.Next == null) return false;
return foo.Current.FooBar != foo.Next.FooBar;
Also interesting to note: if I remove all the null-checks from the HasValueChanged method so I only keep the last line, Resharper no longer warns me about a possible NullReferenceException. Even though now, I really do have a possible NullReferenceException!
ReSharper 2023.2.20230731.174521 in VS Professional 2022
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