Lots of false negatives in VS2017 solution
Resharper says this property can be made private, despite it being used:
Resharper says these enum elements are never used, despite them being used:
Resharper says this class is never instantiated, despite it being instantiated:
Resharper says this property is never used despite it being bound in my xaml
Resharper says this class is never instantiated, despite being instantiated
I think this all stems from the fact that it thinks MainViewModel is never instantiated since it's instantiated via an IoC container. I have marked [UsedImplicitly] on MainViewModel so shouldn't resharper now think that it is used and not warn that everything else is unused that leads from MainViewModel ???
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I had a similar problem in another context. I solved it by using the [UsedImplicitly] attribute on every method, which is a bit annoying.
AFAIK, the [UsedImplicity] attribute only applies to the attributed item by default. The class should be marked as "used", but not the members.
Try adding [UsedImplicity(ImplicitUseTargetFlags.WithMembers)] to the class instead.
Hi Richard,
thanks for the tip. I ask myself why i didn't used the marvellous R# intellisense in this case :-((