Vs2022 with ReSharper trying to edit code jumps all over the place and interferes with normal typing.
for example:
1) I go to the beginning of a blank line in a method and type "if". instead of if, the i shows, then jumps to the indent, but my cursor doesn't, so I end up with a line containing "fi" instead of if.
2) even worse, if i am typing, i can "feel when i mistype something and automatically hit the backspace key a few times. instead of deleting characters from the end, it will somehow jump backwards and delete the middle of what I was typing. Then to fix it i highlight and start typing and it jumps the cursor around and messes up again.
3) the behavior is erratic. I can type child, hit the backspace type child again.
one time i get childchild because hitting the backspace after typing the first child jumped the cursor to the beginning of the word and deleted the space i had befor child.
another time typing the exact same thing, it deleted the h so i end up with cildchild
This is VS2022 with Resharper in c#, but in the dropdown below I can chose c++ or Resharper community.
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Update : if I go into Options and turn off Resharper, the editor behavior goes back to completely normal
thank you for contacting us.
What version of ReSharper do you use?
Could you please install the latest EAP build from here: https://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/nextversion/#section=windows and check how it works for you?
Thank you!
I also have the problem still in VisualStudio 2022 v17.12.3 and Resharper C# v2024.3.20241219.211043 (which is the latest as of 1/8/2025). I have turned off Resharper's ‘Async Typing’ and ‘Debugger integration’ feature. Still have the problem unless I completely disable Resharper.
Olga Rodygina
This problem makes Resharper COMPLETELY unusable until this is fixed! Is this still being worked on? What is the status?
thank you for contacting us.
Could you please provide more details about this issue? Some video or gif will be helpful.
You can upload it here: https://uploads.jetbrains.com/
Please also export your settings (ReSharper | Manage Options | Import&Export | Export to file) and send them to us.
Does it happen in all solutions even a new one?
Thank you!
After a good amount of digging, I found that the root cause is a bug in .NET 9.0:
will jump to other code indotnet9
#109812I ultimately found that disabling Resharper did not solve the problem (but forgot to come back here and update my comment - my apologies). Even the supposed ”workarounds" of using <CETCompat>false</CETCompat> in the project files that were suggested in that github issue didn't work for me. Looks like they have implemented a fix and will be making it readily available with the next release of .NET 9.0 (date yet TBD).
I thought it was related to Resharper as I just started to use Resharper with my .NET 9.0 projects. I apologize for the confusion. It might be a good idea to proactively send this bug around to your development and customer support teams so they are aware since this is a very obscure and intermittent issue.
I just saw that .NET 9.0.1 was released this morning and though I couldn't find the issues mentioned in the Release Notes, I verified that the actual code fix is now included in the Release branch. So the fix was included in the .NET 9.0.1 Release today - https://github.com/dotnet/core/releases/tag/v9.0.1! The downloads page now lists 9.0.102 which is the latest: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/9.0
thank you for letting us know.
Please feel free to contact us in case of any issues or questions.
Thank you!