ReSharper Support | JetBrains
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SK Dutta
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May 24, 2022 14:21
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December 30, 2015 15:12
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May 24, 2022 14:21
Still slow? I complained about it for the past 4 years. Today I was thinking of renewing the ultimate subscription and thought to check. Thanks for the info...
ReSharper FAQ
Visual Studio with ReSharper is slow
2 votes
August 26, 2020 21:32
I am giving up hopes on Jetbrains ability to give us something that will run a little faster. Every time I complained to them (over the years) they asked me to send some performance logs and dumps ...
ReSharper FAQ
Usage, Features and Known Issues/Bugs
"We've noticed that extension 'ReSharper Ultimate' is slowing Visual Studio" message
0 votes
March 29, 2020 19:43
I gave up on resharper ultimate a few years ago because of the speed. All love is not lost though! let me know when it is finished and I may buy license again. Let me know if there is a beta progra...
ReSharper FAQ
Usage, Features and Known Issues/Bugs
"We've noticed that extension 'ReSharper Ultimate' is slowing Visual Studio" message
0 votes
August 27, 2019 22:32
>>Angelina, I have noticed with the 2019.2 build that ReSharper is MUCH BETTER NOW as far as freezing up Visual Studio. I have actually re-enabled it again. :) Can anyone let us know if this is i...
ReSharper FAQ
Usage, Features and Known Issues/Bugs
"We've noticed that extension 'ReSharper Ultimate' is slowing Visual Studio" message
0 votes
June 09, 2019 12:27
After numerous complaints to jetbrains support, I have decided to suspend R# in most of the development work. I only use it once in a while doing code refactor and cleanup.
ReSharper FAQ
Usage, Features and Known Issues/Bugs
"We've noticed that extension 'ReSharper Ultimate' is slowing Visual Studio" message
0 votes
March 31, 2017 16:43
Around one year ago I sent a snapshot and today I sent it again. Sometimes it takes forever for the solution to load. Sometimes after loading when I am editing it just hangs for many seconds and I...
ReSharper Community
Speed of resharper on 8GB RAM laptop
0 votes