Can't change keyboard mapping for Resharper_Move up/down/left/right
I'm trying to remap the keyboard shortcut for Resharper.ReSharper_MoveDown/Left/Right/Up from ctr+shift+alt+h/j/k/l (because they don't make any sense) to ctrl+shift+alt+up/down/left/right arrow, but it doesn't work.
When I press ctrl+shift+alt Resharper still tells me to press h,j,k,l even though I have removed the mapping and my new shortcuts doesn't work
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Hello Karsten,
Ctlr+Alt+Shift+Arrows are default keyboard shortcuts for rearrange code and they should work when you are not using Remote Desktop Client (mstsc.exe). When we detect that terminal session is active we fallback to hjkl shortcuts (which actually do make sense , even github and gmail use this set) to overcome this limitation of terminal client. You can use remote desktop client from Microsoft store, AFAIK these keys aren't reserved there.
I'm using Remote Desktop, so that's properly the cause of it. If you want letters, at least to me as a Windows user WASD would have been a better choice
I agree, but unfortunately these shortcuts are already taken