Resharper fix suggestions not easily used

Some years ago I was used to when clicking Alt + Enter, I'd get the fix options in the dialog it opens, and just quickly use it. Now, in VS2019, it leaves no suggestions as to fix, and instead I have to click the Show potential fixes link and choose manually from there.

Is there some way to map the potential fixes to the default fix options to the left? Or make hitting Alt Enter show potential fixes directly?


Hello Mikael Palmujoki

Do you place the caret to a symbol highlighted as an issue before hitting Alt+Enter?

Does the behavior occur for any solution or only in a specific one?


Hello Andrey,

Examining slightly more, the Resharper Show Potential Fixes dialog pops up on the whole line, but the alt+Enter context menu only shows the changing to async method if I have the caret at the await text, not the method which is also red lighted.

So apparently it's very much context related.


Hello Mikael Palmujoki

Could you share a sample solution illustrating the issue alongside the steps to reproduce it? You can attach it to a support request created by the "Submit a Request" button above.


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