Resharper doen't show intellisense for @ events in Razor/Blazor
When Resharper is enabled - intellisense for Razor/Blazor @ events don't work. I have tried with the latest stable version as well as EAP 2021.1 EAP 4.
Here is an example of the intellisense that I am talking about working when Resharper is DISABLED:
And here is the behavior of no intellisense when Resharper in ENABLED:
Is this a bug, or does anyone know how I can have it working with Resharper?
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Reza Mohamed, thank you for your question.
There is the following YouTrack ticket about this problem, you're welcome to comment or vote for it. Also, it may be convenient for you to enable VS intellisense in ReSharper options: ReSharper | Options | Environment | IntelliSense | General.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day!