Resharper (C++) disables mouse navigation using thumb buttons


I switched Microsoft accounts in Visual Studio, reimported my settings, however, my thumb buttons do not work anymore for back and forth navigation.

This is due to Resharper, as they work again when I disable Resharper. Some settings appear to overwrite the mouse navigation buttons, and googling turns up similar issues but without proper solutions. I also can't seem to just set the mouse buttons as shortcut keys so I'm at a loss of what to do. I remember back when I first installed Resharper I had the same issue, but it got fixed somehow. Any clues?


Hello Mateo,


Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.

Could you please specify if you use any VS extension for navigating using thumb buttons?

Thank you.



I'm facing the same problem and was brought here by google as I tried to disable the mouse navigation by ReSharper. I used to use an addin for VS 2019 which resets the mouse navigation back to normal, but this isn't continued for VS 2022 (Enterprise 17.1.0), which I'm using right now. I have no further addins and as soon as I disable ReSharper (I have a shortcut for that and am considering uninstalling it completely) everything wotrks great. When ReSharper is enabled, the mouse navigation is broken. It navigates very strangely, I cannot even describe precisely what it does, but it differs from the VS vanilla behavior and the CTRL + - behavior.


Unfortunately, it's a known issue: You can vote or comment the ticket to get a notification when the issue is fixed.


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