Inspect code - analyses an excluded file
When Inspect code is run from TeamCity, (Inspections (ReSharper) runner, version: 2019.1.2) I wish to exclude a cpp file from being inspected. I add the file to be exluded in the 'Elements to skip' section as shown below.
I see it in the dotSettings file as x:Key="/Default/CodeInspection/ExcludedFiles/FilesAndFoldersToSkip2/=5E41448E_002DB544_002D3891_002D9418_002D7EC8ED15986B_002Fdl_003ADbx2Xml_003A_002E_002E_003F_002E_002E_003F_002E_002E_003F_002E_002E_003F_002E_002E_003FSWX_003FComponents_003FDbx2Xml_002Fd_003ASource_002Fd_003ASrc_002Ff_003AEXP_005FLxmlConverter_002Ecpp/@EntryIndexedValue">ExplicitlyExcluded</s:String>
This dotSettings file is given to TeamCity step as below:
But still when TeamCity runs Inspection, I see it inspecting the excluded file
Why is the file meant to be excluded as per the dot Settings file still being inspected??
Am I missing something else to configure?
Thanks in advance,
Best regards,
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Any update on this problem? Do you need any further information from my side?
Best regards,
This is unfortunately a known issue, please vote for I'll try to bump its priority.
Hi Igor,
ok, Please increase the priority. This is because there is a crash (reported by multiple people here from Code inspection on one cpp file and the only workaround of this bug is to exclude this file from inspection.
Best regards,
Could you please confirm that inspectcode always crashes on this file with the stack trace exactly as in It's a bit strange, since the stack trace looks unrelated to analyzing a C++ file.
yes, here is the stacktrace:
Thanks a lot, this stack makes more sense. It looks like InspectCode can't handle #import directives, I've created to track this.
Hi Irin,
I'm trying to reproduce the issue on buildserver but still no luck unfortunately. As far as I see you're using ReSharper 2019.1.2 on TeamCity, but could you tell what ReSharper version you're using locally to create the settings file? There might be a problem if these versions don't match.
Hi Asia,
They are different. I use ReSharper 2019.2.2 locally and 2019.1.2 on TeamCity.
Best regards,
Hi Irin,
Thanks for update! Still works on my side unfortunately. One last idea: as far as I see on your R# settings screenshot, the structure of your solution can be somewhat complicated, and this might be the case. We have internal actions that can show how projects and files are organized inside the solution. It would be very helpful if you could run them for us. Please run Visual Studio with /ReSharper.Internal key, open your solution and select ReSharper / Internal / Project Model / Dump Project Model and ReSharper / Internal / Project Model / Dump VsHierarchy; after that send the text files to Thanks in advance!
Hi Asia,
I have send you a mail with the above information.
Best regards,