Parameter Name Hints: Color Scheme is Thrown Off
Using latest version of VS2019 and R#, the color of the parameter name tags that appear are hard to read. I imagine this is due to an extension that I have from MS called "Color Theme Editor for Visual Studio 2019" that I used to apply a custom Dracula theme. I need to know what the specific color element names are so that I can update them and they won't look so bad (see screenshot below):
Can anyone help with this?
P.S. If it helps to re-create the issue, here's the .vstheme file to import via the color extension:
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Could you please try configuring color using VS Tools | Options | Environment | Fonts and Colors | Display Items: ReSharper Parameter Name Hint.
Thank you.
That did the trick, thanks Angelina!!
Just ran into this myself, I've run into it before but decided not to look into why and just chose a different theme those times. Could you please make it respect the "default" value which is defined by the theme? Your users shouldn't have to go and convert the default value into a custom value every time we feel like trying a new theme.
Hello Adran,
Could you please specify for what VS theme you've experienced problems with parameter hint color? And what is your ReSharpe version?
Thank you.
Literally any theme from here:
But right now I'm using this one:
Tested on VS 16.2.5 (R# 2019.1.1 and R# 2019.2.2), and VS 16.3.1 (R# 2019.2.2), happening on all those combinations.
Without setting a custom value:
With a custom colour set manually:
I'm just running into the very same problem Adrian described above. Unfortunately his solution doesn't work for me, as with the actual verson of ReSharper (2019.3.20191207.71323) on Visual Studio 2019 (16.4.29613.14) the Color ReSharper Parameter Name Hint simply doesn't appear anymore. The whole list seems to be reorganized (several of the colors to be found language specific now, e.g. ReSharper C# Parameter Identifier), but ReSharper Parameter Name Hint I can't find anywhere...
Hello Peter,
Indeed we've changed entries for code highlightings.
Please try configuring "ReSharper Inlay Hint". Hope it helps.
Thank you.
Hello Angelina,
great, that's it!
Thank's a lot.
It's "ReSharper Inlay Hint"
How can I control the colors in the similar Tools -> Debugger -> Editor Integration -> Inlay Editor Hints
When "show local variables values" is selected, the colors are totally off when debugging, and cannot be controlled by "Resharper Inlay Hint" discussed above
Hello @Mom,
Sorry for the delay in responding.
Please use "ReSharper Debugger DataTip" for that purpose.
Thank you.
Do you know why Visual Studio/ReSharper can't just use the "default" value for these settings? Why do I as a customer have to go in and set the default value as a "custom" value for the settings to take? Isn't this something that your extension should handle?
The Resharper color options aren't appearing at all at my machine.
Hello @...,
VS sometimes needs it's cache of fonts and colours to be updated forcibly. Please refer to the following help article -
Thank you.
It's really frustrating having to set this every so often. Can you please fix the setting instead so that it actually applies the set automatic values that come from the theme?
"Debugger DataTip" and "Inlay Hint" Color Scheme on Dark Themes (i use Dark One) are looking like a blind girl from a horror movie.
Some gray on some white and predetermined values doesn't seem to apply here.
Can you please fix that?
Hello Marcel Härri,
Could you please specify what VS theme do you use?
We actually have a problem with "Light with dark editor" theme -
Thank you.