Resharper 2019 dotcover missing Path Environment Variable passing unittests and failing code coverage
Setup a Nunit test.
paste following code, run test as a unittest
public void TestResharperCoverage()
string PathValue = "";
foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry env in Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables())
string name = (string)env.Key;
string value = (string)env.Value;
if (name == "Path")
PathValue = value;
TestContext.WriteLine("{0}={1}", name, value);
Console.WriteLine("{0}={1}", name, value);
Run it as a unit test, it passes.
run coverage it fails due to no Environment Variable for Path.
We have a dependency in once of our unmanaged code nuget packages on Path.
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This problem is already fixed, please update to the recent update ReSharper 2019.1.2.
Awesome, just noticed the update from 2 days ago. I'm installing it now.
Thanks for taking care of this so quickly. Love the tool.