ReSharper Tool windows empty on VS 2019
We are using ReSharper on many PCs, but on one all R#-tool-windows (like "Build & Run") are empty (or completely transparent).
I already tried reinstalling R#, but that did not help :-(
Any ideas what I could do?
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Hello everyone!
We've published blog post describing in details the problem, its reasons, workaround and plans to fix -
Thank you.
Hello Fink!
Please try disabling the option Optimize rendering for screens with different pixel densities on the page Tools | Options | Environment | General.
Thank you.
Hello Martin!
We are already working on the fix, please follow the issue to get the latest updates on it -
Thank you.
Thanks for the quick reply. This worked - now I have content in the windows :-)
The solution worked for me, too.
wished i had found this thread before i reinstalled everything :D
Are there any plans to fix this issue so that we can run Visual Studio with the optimize rendering option turned on? It is a very useful feature.