Output window is flooded with "Event" warnings

We have got an issue where output window within Visual Studio 2022 is flooded with following warnings (translated from German):
“The parameters to the Event method do not match the parameters to the WriteEvent method. This may cause the event to be displayed incorrectly”

Suspending ReSharper immediatly solves the issue. 
If we resume ReSharper the problem does NOT reoccur until Visual Studio is closed and reopened with activated ReSharper extension.

ReSharper version used is 2024.2.4

Any help to solve this is very much appreciated.

Hello Markus,
thank you for contacting us.
Do you have any plugins for ReSharper?
Does it happen for all solutions or only for specific ones?
Thank you!

Hello Olga,
thanks for your support. 

There are no ReSharper Plugings installed. It's a clean ReSharper Installation we have rolled out a few days ago.
The problem is present on all developer computers I have checked (about 60%, others were not available due to home office) -
so I believe on all of them.

I have tested different solutions now and it seems that the problem it related to one 
specific solution (which of course is the main one, and heavily uses events).

Kind regards


Hello Andreas,
thank you for the answer.
Could you please run Visual Studio with the following command line: 'devenv /ReSharper.LogFile C:\log\resharper_log.txt /ReSharper.LogLevel Verbose'? After that, reproduce the issue and attach the corresponding 'resharper_log.txt' file.
Thank you!

Hello Olga,
I have created the requested log now. But I didn't find a possibility to attach the file.
By the way, is it possible to upload the file in a secure, private, manner or will this then be public viewable?
Best regards


Hello Andreas,

please upload it here: https://uploads.jetbrains.com/ and let us know the ID.

The file will be visible only for the JetBrains team.

Thank you!


Hello Olga,
done. Uplad ID = 2024_09_19_25Y7jBidYSH4bYeHx1HV7m

Thanks in advance!


Hello Andreas,

does this message appear during debugging or all the time while working? 
This is just a guess, but could you please try to disable DPA in ReSharper | Options | Environment | Products & Features, restart the Visual Studio and try again.

If this does not help, could you please collect PerfView snapshot. I don't know the source of these messages, but probably they are caused by exceptions, and all exceptions with stack traces will be visible in the snapshot. 

To take the snapshot, please download PerfView from https://github.com/microsoft/perfview, disable Cpu samples collection, make sure the merge is checked. Press start collection, wait for several new messages to appear in the output window, then press stop collection and upload the snapshot to the above mentioned upload service.



Hello Alexander,
thanks for your answer. 

I have now disabled DPA (Dynamic Program Analysis) on all DEV PCs and this has solved the issue.
Of course I am now interested in what excatly I have just disabled (which features does DPA provide)? :-)

Best regards


Hello, Andreas!

You can find out more about DPA in the documentation.

Actually, capturing a snapshot from the problematic application (either with PerfView or dotTrace in Timeline mode) can still be useful for investigation of your problem.


Hello Valentin,

thanks for the information. 

I have followed your suggestion and tried to collect data using PerfView - but things are getting real strange now …

First, I ran our application and noticed that the log is flooded again. So I checked the DAP setting within ReSharper options and noticed that it is ENABLED again. Very strange, because I have defenitely not re-enabled it and our team settings, which are applied during Windows logon, should not cause this, because this specific setting can only be applied to local computer level, isn't it?

Anyway, setting is enabled and output log is filled again - that's what we need for the snapshot so I started PerfView as suggested (disabled ‘CPU samples’ and checked ‘Merge’ option) and started collecting data - with the result that output log is CLEAN now. None of the event-Messages is appearing.

This confused me, so I tried to run different branches of our solution - but the messages were gone.

UNTIL I closed PerfView application again and run our Application - the messages immediately reappear …

I have no clue what's going on here and any help is very much appreciated.



Thank you for the information, Andreas!

Considering DPA re-enabling, it's probably worth creating an issue on youtrack.jetbrains.com in the ReSharper project. You can use the following link — https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/newIssue?project=RSRP. Probably, it would be nice to create an issue about the original issue as well, but in the DPA project – https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/newIssue?project=DPA.

Considering the original problem, the situation is following. DPA, dotTrace and PerfView rely on ETW (Event Tracing for Windows) on Windows.

There are different EventSources in .NET runtime and different .NET libraries that write events to ETW. As far as I see, there are some errors during writing of events from some of EventSources in your case.

DPA uses the following ETW providers:
* Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntime
* Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntimeRundown
* Microsoft-Diagnostics-DiagnosticSource

It's hardly possible that there are some problems with runtime or rundown providers. Most likely, the problem relates to DiagnosticSource provider. Among other things, it is used by ASP.NET Core and EF Core to report different kinds of diagnostics information.

Could you, please, inform us about your environment? We would be glad to know .NET version, and if you are using ASP.NET Core and/or EF Core, their versions, used database provider and its version.

Thank you very much in advance for your efforts!


Thanks Valentin for your help!

I think we should focus on the original problem regarding the flooded output log with “Event” messages, 
because the final solution should of course include an activated DPA option of ReSharper.

We have started further investigation on this now and got some new informations.

The concerned solution consist of a Web part (which runs on MS Azure) and a Client part and uses Multi-Start projects.
I have now run each part in a separate Visual Studio instance (ReSharper and DPA is enabled on both).

It turns out, that output windows is only flooded on the Web part, no issues on the client side.

This fact brings me to your last response, because Web / Server side HAS implemented Entity Framework and 
Azure Application Insights packages - which client side has not.

Requested solution information is below:
Target Framework: .NET Framework 4.8 (solution is not upgraded to ASP.NET Core yet)
Entity Framework: 6.5.1
Microsoft.ApplicationInsights: 2.22.0 including Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.SnapshotCollector 1.4.6
Database provider: System.Data.SqlClient (type="System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer")

Hope this is helpful. 

You mentioned that creating a youtrack issue for the DPA project is suggested. 
Of course I can do that, can you just explain which information should be transferred in this case?
Is a simply link to this thread enought or should I try to recap all stuff from here?

Kind regards


Thank you very much for the provided information, Andreas! We will try to reproduce the issue.

Considering the YouTrack issue, I think it's ok to just link this thread.


Excellent. I have created a youtrack issue and linked it to this thread too now.
Output window is flooded with "Event" warnings : DPA-2329 (jetbrains.com)


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