Analysis during build (R# 5.1.1723.15)
I'm getting increasingly annoyed about SWEA. Every time I do a build, about halfway through, ReSharper decides to begin reanalyzing the solution.
This makes the build process approximately twice as slow as usual, and serves no purpose, as the build itself would break if there was any errors.
Is it possible to make ReSharper suspend it's activities during certain events (most importantly the build process)?
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Hello Kenneth,
Do I understand correctly that this didn't happen with previous builds? Do
you have any auto-generated files in your solution which get updated during
build? Thank you!
Andrey Serebryansky
Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
I think this problem has always been there, I've just recently become "aware" of it, why it happened and why my builds were getting slow.
I do have some autogenerated files during build, but they are minified JavaScript files, which shouldn't trigger ReSharper to do a new analysis. In another project, I am using Linq-to-SQL, which generates something also, I believe.
FWIW: There's an existing feature request for being able to disable the analysis during build: "Option to disable the code analysis engine on build/debug".
Yes! That describe my problem exactly!
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