R# 5 Aware of Workflow?
Using R# 5 (1636) & VS 2010 RC - I have a simple project that contains some workflow activity files (Xaml). In code files where I attempt to interact with these activities, R# shows all references to these activities as "Unable to resolve symbol". VS itself builds just fine. Appears as though R# has no awareness of activities defined in Xaml.
Am I missing something? I hate to log a bug if it is something that I may have done or could easily fix on my end.
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Also just noticed that when I use R# intellisense my workflows do not appear. For example, if I type "RootNameSpace.Workflows. " I get nothing. If I switch to VS intellisense I can type the same thing and all of my workflows activities appear. So It really does seem that R# has no awareness of workflows designed in Xaml. I do have a couple of activities written entirely in code and those work just as expected in R#.
most likely the problem is new XAML features that come with .NET 4.0, that we do not support them yet.
Could you send me a sample solution for investigation.
Hello Sergey,
Please keep in mind that XAML is not really tied to anything specific. You
can build up a tree of any objects which have parameterless constructors:
This perfectly uses the WPF localization model (using LocBaml).
Just to prevent any misconception: The sample above (previous message) is
perfectly understood by current R#5 (nightly builds).
Yep, I know. But I don't think this is the case. The new features include an opportunity to call constructors with parameters, use generic collection and have introduced several elements like x:String and x:Dictionary. All these stuff isn't supported yet but heavily used in i.e. workflow template.
Is it possible to disable ReSharper for these scenarios?
Xaml 2009 has been fully supported in R# 5.1. Have you tried it yet?
Yes, I believe so. I'm rather new to WF4 so I might be doing things the wrong way, however, following examples for WF4 I have not yet been able to make ReSharper 5.1 accept the XAML for an activity.
If I create a new activity and do something like this:
var workflow = new MyWorkflow();
ReSharper marks "MyWorkflow" in the above example with "Cannot resolve symbol 'MyWorkflow'" and for WorkflowInvoker with the message "Cannot resolve method 'Invoke(MyWorkflow', candidates are...".
I believe it's because ReSharper can't resolve the XAML types in code..? Or something like that...
It's dead strange. Could you send me your solution for investigation?
Hmm, this is really strange. It seems to be working now. I installed the latest nightly build, and suddenly it works as expected. I wonder if it might have been a corrupted installation or something like that?
Might be caches issue. If the problem reappears, alert me please.
I'm using R# 5.1.1727.12 and I'm seeing the same behavior.
Do I need to install a nightly build to see support for XAML types?
Before I thought to come check out the Resharper forums, I downloaded a sample project from MSDN just to be sure I wasn't doing something wrong in my code! (I'm brand new to building workflow activities.)
If you need sample code to see the behavior we're talking about, you can see it in this solution: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/jimlamb/archive/2009/11/18/how-to-create-a-custom-workflow-activity-for-tfs-build-2010.aspx#tb
P.S. I can't live without Resharper's Intellisense, so I'm just living with the problem right now, but it's slowing me down since Intellisense is my primary learning tool for new technology! :)
Eventually we have a problem with the sample and will fix ASAP. Current workaround is to add project type guid {32f31d43-81cc-4c15-9de6-3fc5453562b6} to both .csproj files - this will force ReSharper to properly identify language level of xaml files.
BTW I would recommend using the most recent 5.1.x nightly build from http://confluence.jetbrains.net/display/ReSharper/ReSharper+5.1.1+Bugfix+Builds
Tomorrows nightly will work as expected.
Hi Sergy,
I hope you can point me in the right direction, as it appears I have a similar issue.
I'm using Resharper 2016.3.1 with VS 2015 Version 14.0.25431.01 Update 3 and <ProjectTypeGuids>{32f31d43-81cc-4c15-9de6-3fc5453562b6};{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}</ProjectTypeGuids> being Workflow Foundation and C#.
The XAML Workflow contains the namespace reference xmlns:av="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation", and any usage of 'av' will be highlighted as a critical error...
As per David and Kenneth's situation the XAML compiles without issue.
Much appreciate your assistance with this matter.