Why won't you fix RSRP-249614
I'm absolutely stumped, that you have put http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/RSRP-249614 to fix version Mirabile Futurum. Why won't you fix this?
I really can't see why this should be postponed any longer. It hasn't worked in R# for a long time... :(
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I don't know the real reason but I guess they have a backlog full of more prioritized bugs that they must allocate time for to be fixed in 6.0.
The bug you're referencing seems to me as a pretty low-prio bug due to its nature and also has a very simple workaround (ctrl+space).
Hello Kenneth,
I'm afraid at the moment there are problems with higher priority planned
for ReSharper 6.0. We will try addressing this problem in ReSharper 6.0 in
case we manage to solve all higher priority problems. Thank you!
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Well, today Dmitry Osinovsky actually updated the issue to be fixed in version 6.0 :)