anyone else using R# in a solution with many assemblies (~80) AND a website?

It seems that whenever the assemblies are compiled, VS2008 moves the compiled assemblies into the website bin folder, causing the website to be at least partly compiled (app_code etc?, tho maybe only if its open in the dev webserver).  It probably does this for each assemebly that is compiled.  I'm guessing that R# also then has to do some work in the website part of the solution (its a website rather than a web app), and maybe it does this every time an assembly is copied into the website bin.  VS grinds to a hald when doing a build of assemblies and for some time afterwards (I suspect wheilst the website is partially built with the new assemblies and probably also whilst R# rebuilds its data).

is there anyway to disable this copying of compiled assemblies into the website bin?  (NB, I have no .refresh files in the website bin)?

Permanently deleted user

Hello David
     Which version of ReSharper are you using? Thank you!

Andrey Serebryansky

Senior Support Engineer

JetBrains, Inc

"Develop with pleasure!"



JetBrains ReSharper 6.1 EAP C# Edition Pre-Release
Build on 2011-12-03T21:46:52

If I have the website in a seperate VS2008 instance then performance is much much better - quite acceptable actually, in both projects.   And, the new R# 6 decompiler feature allows some browsing of assembly code from the website VS2008 instance.  Its not ideal tho and I'd rather have it in a single instance as browsing is much easier.

Permanently deleted user

Hello David
     This should not happen with ReSharper 6.1 builds. Could you please capture a performance snapshot of this behavior by following the instructions at and upload it to Thank you!

Andrey Serebryansky

Senior Support Engineer

JetBrains, Inc

"Develop with pleasure!"


I cant do this as my dottrace trial has expired !

How about just giving me a license as repayment for my beta testing on r# :-)


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