Out of Memory - Needs to be solved!

I have been using R# since v2.  I have been getting extensive out of memory exceptions since v4.  When I updated to v4.5 I got more.  When I updated to v4.5.1 it became much more frequent.  I had hoped that with v5, the most painful thing in my development day would go away, well sure enough it has not.

I have read nearly all the other posts on the forums regarding this issue.  I have submitted literally hundreds of exceptions by the defect submitter in R#.

I work on a solution that is now 25 projects.  It is a WinForms solution.  It has over 2000 files.  We use entity framework and it has a very large model.  I exclude all the model files from R# (just to cut down on memory).  Since we use, EF we use LINQ extensively.

I have tried the wrapper solution in the past to no avail.

I have tried the /3GB switch but failed miserably I guess due to driver issues.

I can't go to 64bit as my company has not officially approved it yet.

I can never tell when it is going to start (after a full rebuild).  I turn on the flag to view the memory usage but it will sometimes happen at 150MB and other times not until it hits nearly 400MB.

It seems to occur more often when I start to open up forms to view in the designer.

Even if I turn of solution analysis, it will still occur just takes a bit longer.

I lose so much per day rebooting and restarting that I am now at the point of NOT using R# anymore.  I just can't if I have critical bugs to fix, even though R# helps me fix those bugs.

So with that out of the way......when is there going to be a solution to this problem?  when is there going to be something that at least helps?  Does anyone have any tricks

Permanently deleted user

Hi Scott!

We have similary problems with R#. Our solution has 30 projects and 3500
files. Using R# since V3 it's getting slower and has more crashes with any
new version since then.
Not only the out of memory crashes are horrific (occurs mostly after user R#
for refactorings like renaming) - but to make things even more worse after
coding 30 minutes in VS it getting unusable slow. Every keystroke then needs
about 2-3 seconds to be shown in VS - even if you only write comments where
is no need for R# to perform parsing and checking.
So we use the VS plugin manager every 30 minutes to unload and reload R#. So
every time one has a forced break of about 3 minutes. Unfortunately this
trick doesn't work if R# has thrown the first out of memory exception. In
this case the unload crashes VS completely.
Since V4.5 we can't use R# anymore for our big projects and we was forced to
switch to a competitive tool.

Instead of adding tons of new features to every new version R# should first
be made useable!!!


Permanently deleted user

I had the same problems with resharper, to solve the problem I made a memory dump of the Visual Studio IDE when a lot of Memory was used with .Net Memory Profiler
http://memprofiler.com/download.aspx and added the entry in the Bug Tracking system of Jetbrains.
They identified then the problems I had and for the usage cases I have they solved it.
The problem was Memory Leaks because of references to unused objects.
If it is a Memory Fragementation Problem the following might help.




Hi Scott/Jens

First of all, we're very sorry that you're encountering all these issues, and we'd like to make sure they are solved. As Thomas pointed out, probably the best way is to try and trace the memory problems and get that information to use to figure out what's causing it. Could you please contact me directly and we'll work on a way of doing this?

My email is hadi at jetbrains dot com.

Hoping to hear from you soon.


Hadi Hariri
Technology Evangelist
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
http://www.jetbrains.com | http://hadihariri.com | http://twitter.com/hhariri


Hi Scott/Jens

First of all, we're very sorry that you're encountering all these issues, and we'd like to make sure they are solved. As Thomas pointed out, probably the best way is to try and trace the memory problems and get that information to use to figure out what's causing it. Could you please contact me directly and we'll work on a way of doing this?

My email is hadi at jetbrains dot com.

Hoping to hear from you soon.


Hadi Hariri
Technology Evangelist
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
http://www.jetbrains.com | http://hadihariri.com | http://twitter.com/hhariri


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