Mbcompression incorrect highlighting in web.config

Hi there,

I noticed with resharper 4.5.1 nightly builds that two erros have occurred in my web.config file which weren't there in v4.5:

I use MbCompression: http://mbcompression.codeplex.com/SourceControl/ListDownloadableCommits.aspx (the latest build)

The problem I have is as follows:

            <add verb="*" path="jslib.axd" type="Miron.Web.MbCompression.JavaScriptCompressionHandler, MbCompression" validate="false"/>
            <add verb="*" path="css.axd" type="Miron.Web.MbCompression.CssCompressionHandler, MbCompression" validate="false"/>

The two errors state: Cannot resolve symbol '.ctor'

What I found interesting is when you download the solution the quickstart and compression library are in the one solution as 2 separate projects and resharper has no problem with this, there are no errors.

If you try and reference the compression library from an external project (i.e. Create a new solution and import it the dll) then the error occurs.

In both cases the project compiles fine.

Any way to fix this?

Regards DotnetShadow

1 comment
Permanently deleted user

I get same error ("Cannot resolve symbol '.ctor'") when specifying a type with only private constructor. E.g. when using dependency injection with spring.net in the following config section:

<resource uri="config://spring/objects"/>
<objects xmlns="http://www.springframework.net">
<object name="Lister" type="MyApp.Adapter.MyImpl, MyApp.Adapter">
<constructor-arg index="0" value="list.txt"/>

Here Resharper shows me that error on MyApp.Adapter.MyImpl.
I can browse to the class via config file just fine, the constructor is private but can be instantiated by spring.net via reflection.


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