Advice on improving Resharper 5.0 performance with VS2010

I am using the Release version of VS 2010 with the latest R# 5.0 build (release build and not nightly).
I run all this on a MacBook Pro with 4GN of RAM running Windows 7 using BootCamp.

I tried VS without R# and it performs very well but as soon as I install R#, editing the files becomes painfully slow.Scrolling up and down the .cs files is very laggy for example but the slowness is noticeable on a lot of other actions.
I already turned off the solution-wide code analysis but it's still slow. Are there other things we can "tweak" in the settings or things we can turn off to improve the performance without removing too much of the R# functionality?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated because I don't want to have to uninstall R# and lose the money I spent on the license



I am working on a solution that includes a commercial CMS. Unfortunately it's distributed as a Web Site project containing 12.500 files, among which 2000 .cs files, 1000 .aspx files (ASP.NET pages), 750 .ascx files (ASP.NET user controls) and 68 assemblies.

You can download the trial version of the CMS and install it to see how Visual Studio performance is impacted by this type of project when ReSharper is installed (basically unusable on my machine).

Looking forward to your response, and any tips you have to get ReSharper to work in this scenario.



Unfortunately the problem is happening for me again even with the options above.  So i have had to disable R#. :(

Andrey Serebryansky

Hello Michiel,

I've played with the original Kentico web site for some time (performing
various actions such as navigating, finding usages, refactoring, typing,
scrolling) on an underpowered virtual machine and didn's face any performance
problems. Could you please describe your hardware configuration in detail?
It would be great if you could attach a small screencast demonstrating the
actions you're performing in Visual Studio with Kentico CMS Web Site, so
that we could repeat them on our side. Thank you!

Andrey Serebryansky
Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

I am working on a solution that includes a commercial CMS.
Unfortunately it's distributed as a Web Site project containing 12.500
files, among which 2000 .cs files, 1000 .aspx files (ASP.NET pages),
750 .ascx files (ASP.NET user controls) and 68 assemblies.

You can download the and install it to see how
Visual Studio performance is impacted by this type of project when
ReSharper is installed (basically unusable on my machine).

Looking forward to your response, and any tips you have to get
ReSharper to work in this scenario.


Original message URL:



my hardware (MacBook Pro):

2.53GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
2GB of 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM
250GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics processor with 256MB of DDR3 SDRAM shared with main memory

With R# enabled Visual Studio becomes totally unresponsive. I couldn't even start the web site if my life depended on it. If I suspend R# then performance is great. If I remove the web site project from the solution and then enable R#, performance is great. But as soon as I combine the two, I am no longer able to interact with Visual Studio. This happens as soon as I enable R# or re-add the web site project with R# already enabled. Can't even open a menu or select a file in the Solution Explorer.

I have turned off analysis already, and chose to store cache in the solution folder.

Thanks for looking!

Permanently deleted user


I know of two VS10-specific perf problems in R#, and both were fixed in 5.1.1.

The other perf issues should be more or less of the same degree on VS9 &
VS10. In fact, VS10 could even be a little better due to CLR4.

With R#, if you're switching between VS9&10, environment background color
is but the only noticeable change :)

Serge Baltic
JetBrains, Inc —
“Develop with pleasure!”

Andrey Serebryansky

Hello Andreas,

We've added more performance fixes, so you're welcome to try the latest build
of ReSharper from
Thank you!

Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

Hello Andrey,
I dont see a problem in any specific action, but any and all editing
becomes slow. Even moving the cursor comes to a crawl and I see CPU
usage up to 100% while I move around, not to talk about typing code.
It does however not effect the IDE itself, so any operation outside
the code editor windows is normal. The problem is localized to
keypresses in the the editor window(s). And it doesnt happen at once
or immediately, usually it takes somewhere between 10 and 30 minutes
of active editing.
My typical solutions consist of 2-20 C# projects and possibly some ASP
sites and/or webservices. Class count goes from 50 to thousands, What
I have noticed to be a serious problem for the R# analyzer are
obfuscated assembly references. There are a bunch of exception reports
on your system dealing with this. Might be that this is a trigger for
the problems.

Number of open files in the editor is usually rather low, seldom more
than fit visually on the tab bar (less than 10 commonly).

My hardware is either a VM with 2GB memory, hardware virtualization
enabled with one monitor, or the real machine with 4 gb, 4 processors,
dual monitor. The same problem happens on both configurations.

When I have time I will do some performance snapshots and send them to
you. So far I am already spending much more time on solving R# issues
than I'd like.

Original message URL:


The above link is bad, even when copying the link including the non-hyperlinked part. Maybe use Would like to download a fix.

Edit: found it googling:

Andrey Serebryansky


Please try Thank you!

Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

The above link is bad, even when copying the link including the
non-hyperlinked part. Maybe use Would like to download a

Original message URL:


Since installing a recent build (Oct 6, 2010 5.1.1753.3) referenced here (and successors)  I've been having a pretty good run after switching Resharper back on.  It slowed to a crawl once, but I've had that with VS.  That was after quite a few hours of work interspersed with a couple of hibernations.  Right now I'm very happy.  Thank you Jetbrains for your efforts to rectify the problems.  


Hello everyone!

If you are still experiencing performance problems in VS 2010 / VS 2008 with the latest R# 6.0 EAP builds installed, please mail me ASAP - Kirill[dot]Falk@jetbrains[dot]com or comment and vote for the appropriate issue request Any performance snapshots will be very appreciated. You could easily upload them to

Thanks in advance!

Kirill Falk


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