Advice on improving Resharper 5.0 performance with VS2010

I am using the Release version of VS 2010 with the latest R# 5.0 build (release build and not nightly).
I run all this on a MacBook Pro with 4GN of RAM running Windows 7 using BootCamp.

I tried VS without R# and it performs very well but as soon as I install R#, editing the files becomes painfully slow.Scrolling up and down the .cs files is very laggy for example but the slowness is noticeable on a lot of other actions.
I already turned off the solution-wide code analysis but it's still slow. Are there other things we can "tweak" in the settings or things we can turn off to improve the performance without removing too much of the R# functionality?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated because I don't want to have to uninstall R# and lose the money I spent on the license



There are some VS powertools released for VS2010 - and among other fine features like pin tabs they have ctrl+click as goto definition too. It works without any delay for me so may go as a replacement workaround until fixed



FWIW: In my case it seems like the lack of available RAM is the critical issue (and/or the commit charge to the paging file).
I'm running 64bit XP dual core processor with 4GB RAM, using Visual Studio 2008.

After boot I generally have many apps loaded (indexing service, antivirus, IExplore, MS Outlook etc.).
If I work with Resharper enabled during this time it "crawls", making the work in it almost unbearable (simple things like renaming, goto definition, open unit test results etc. takes longer and longer.)
Suspending resharper makes things go fast again it seems (if comparing e.g. go to definitiion).

So I started to shut down every running non-critical app and used Process Explorer to monitor the Commit charge to pagefile and available RAM.
When almost all apps were closed, commit charge was about ~1.3GB and working with vstudio/Resharper went very fast.
I started some applications and I'm now up in commit charge 2.4GB (with 1.5GB availble RAM) and the response is still very quick.

So it seems either that a large commit charge to the paging file, and/or small % left of the total RAM is the critical issue in my case.

my 2 cents


You're probably right about that. What I meant to ask was if the issue would get priority based on the number of users affected, and maybe then it would be added to 5.1

If not, JetBrains could make a commitment to fix it in the first version after 5.1

Either way, my 5.0 trial has expired and I haven't been able to use ReSharper for more than 5 or 6 days effectively. I'm still interested in the product, but I guess I'll wait for the first version with a definitive fix for this particular issue before I can decide. That does leave me some time to try Refactor Pro :|


I solved most of my performance problems (sort of) by buying a brand new computer. Now it´s acceptable, not perfect. But i have to say that the nightly builds seemed to me much faster than the release build of Resharper 5.1 The stutter was nearly gone with the nightly build but is back with the 5.1 release version.
Anyone else having the same problem or is it just me?


I also experienced this problem in Resharper 5.1.

Now I have found out, that the StyleCop Plugin 5.1 causes this problem. If I disable this plugin, typing speed returns to normal.
I already reported this at the StyleCop issue tracker.

Best Regards,


Me too am having serious problems with performance with R# 5.1 under VS2010, and as already mentioned, things return to normal when suspending R#. I already disabled the StyleCop plugin which did improve performance but not sufficiently.
I do use R# together with VA and the codemap extension. Disabling VA doesnt change anything, neither does codemap. So the problem is pretty reliably R#.

When will the performance problems of R# be fixed? Reducing R# memory usage would also not be a bad thing. Seriously, 270 mb memory for a solution with less than 3500 lines of C# code seems "slightly exaggerated". The solution has less than 2 mb on disk :O

Andrey Serebryansky

Hello Andreas,

We've fixed some performance problems since ReSharper 5.1 release, so first
of all please install the latest build from
Let me know if that build works better for you. As to the memory usage, could
you please clarify if 270Mb is the managed memory usage reported by ReSharper
or if it's the memory footprint of devenv.exe process?

Andrey Serebryansky
Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

Me too am having serious problems with performance with R# 5.1 under
VS2010, and as already mentioned, things return to normal when
suspending R#. I already disabled the StyleCop plugin which did
improve performance but not sufficiently. I do use R# together with VA
and the codemap extension. Disabling VA doesnt change anything,
neither does codemap. So the problem is pretty reliably R#.

When will the performance problems of R# be fixed? Reducing R# memory
usage would also not be a bad thing. Seriously, 270 mb memory for a
solution with less than 3500 lines of C# code seems "slightly
exaggerated". The solution has less than 2 mb on disk

Original message URL:


Will try those builds, lets see.

As for the memory, its the reported by R#. From initially 110 Mb (which already seem pretty high) it grew steadily to 270 Mb over the course of a working day. Including switching solutions in between. My guess is that it doesn't clean up memory nicely when different solutions are loaded.


While there were numerous performance problems in 5.0, I can say 5.1 is muuuuuuch better.  I always want better performance, but what user doesn't (especially MY users:)?

VS2010 is still a huge pig, but at least for me, I don't feel like R# is the culprit anymore.  I'm running:

JetBrains ReSharper 5.1 Full Edition
Build 5.1.1727.12 on 2010-07-07T19:40:20

Licensed to: Kelly Brownsberger
Plugins: 2
#1. “Agent Smith Plugin” v1.4.2.31043 by “Sergey Zyuzin.”
#2. “AgUnit for R# 5.1” v0.1.0.0 by “”
Visual Studio 10.0.30319.1.

Copyright © 2003–2010 JetBrains s.r.o.. All rights reserved.

I'm a little surprised to here about the memory footprint Andreas is reporting.  I have a 12 project Silverlight centric solution and devenv.exe runs at about 750MB, but R# reports ~150MB-~200MB.  As a .NET developer, I realize how hard it is to control that CLR footprint.  I think this is about right in my experience.

BTW, the R# memory footprint was much bigger and less stable in 5.0

Ok, so I installed the build from Aug. 19 and used it for about a working day. No difference to notice from the last release build. Editing still comes to a crawl after relatively short time ( < 30 minutes)


Could this be related to the memory/GC.Collect issue?



This sounds just like it.


Just downloaded and installed latest build 5.1.1751.8  

Still unfortunately having the same issues - mainly slow / jerky at scrolling.  Got so bad had to disable resharper again and reluctantly do without it.

Looking forward to improvements in this area.


I am now at the same point, that I have to disable R# to be able to work in an normal speed. Which is really disappointing me, after all I bought a license to use R# and not to have it on a shelf. As of today, I cant use it in an acceptable way.

I definitely hope that the performance issue will be solved asap, should be top priority by now judging by the amount of reclamations and even by the obvious interest in this thread on the forum here.


I have also been having performance problems. I have managed to get a performance boost with the following settings:
1. Tools-> Options-> ReSharper. Then click Options.
2. Go to IntelliSense->Completion Behavior
3. UnCheck "Letters and Digits" and uncheck ""new" and other object creation keywords" everything else is checked by default.
So unchecking those two options greatly helped my performance such that i could actually use R#.

Hope it helps you. (See attached image)

PS I only had the problem with working with QuickFix which has an 18MB assembly.



I for one do not use R#'s Intellisense improvements at all because I prefer VisualAssist's, so R# is set to use VS's intellisense.
Your solution is not it, for me. Unfortunately.


Awesome - thanks - I'll give it a shot.


I'm following this thread from the sideline for several months now. We are using VS2008 and I would like to switch to VS2010 (we got the whole MSDN-chiladas), but one things is keeping me: this thread. At first, I thought JetBrains would quickly cook up a performance fix, so I decided to buy R#5 anyway. But now I have to choose: either stick with VS2008 + R#5 or upgrade to VS2010 and loose R#5. Either way, it's a loss of investment if the issues don't get solved quickly.

I know I could just go and try whether my system would suffer any of the issues in this thread, but I don't feel like reverting if it does. It's a shame JetBrains can't get this right and to my feeling, they start to really lose on it.


I know what you mean but I think I like the improvements and experience of using VS2010 more than I miss R#.  I'll give Dominic's tweaks a try and repost here how it goes.  Symptoms normally took 30 mins or so to show up.  I know other *power users* who don't seem to be experiencing any issues whatsoever.


Woops - just noticed there's been a post on another formerly dormant thread here that is worth following:

Andrey Serebryansky


We're constantly working on performance improvements both 'in-general' and
also with particular performance problems and we do fix almost every problem
we're able to identify (unless the problem cannot be fixed on our side).
It would be great if you could try Visual Studio 2010 with ReSharper 5.1.1
and let us know if you'll encounter any performance problems. I'm afraid
I cannot help you if we do not know whether there will be a problem or not.
Thank you!

Andrey Serebryansky
Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

I'm following this thread from the sideline for several months now. We
are using VS2008 and I would like to switch to VS2010 (we got the
whole MSDN-chiladas), but one things is keeping me: this thread. At
first, I thought JetBrains would quickly cook up a performance fix, so
I decided to buy R#5 anyway. But now I have to choose: either stick
with VS2008 + R#5 or upgrade to VS2010 and loose R#5. Either way, it's
a loss of investment if the issues don't get solved quickly.

I know I could just go and try whether my system would suffer any of
the issues in this thread, but I don't feel like reverting if it does.
It's a shame JetBrains can't get this right and to my feeling, they
start to really lose on it.

Original message URL:

Andrey Serebryansky

Hello Andreas and Warren,

Could you please elaborate more information on this problem:
1. Which actions in particular are slow with ReSharper?
2. What's the size of the solution you're working with (the number and types
of projects, number of classes)
3. What's the average size (in terms of LOC) of the files you're working
with and what's the number of the files you usually keep opened in Visual
Studio at the same time?
4. Please describe your hardware configuration in detail

Could you please also take some performance snapshots and upload them to
our ftp server with some description of what you were doing while capturing
them? This would really help us to identify the performance problems you're
experiencing. Thank you!

Andrey Serebryansky
Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

I am now at the same point, that I have to disable R# to be able to
work in an normal speed. Which is really disappointing me, after all I
bought a license to use R# and not to have it on a shelf. As of today,
I cant use it in an acceptable way.

I definitely hope that the performance issue will be solved asap,
should be top priority by now judging by the amount of reclamations
and even by the obvious interest in this thread on the forum here.

Original message URL:


Hello Andrey,
I dont see a problem in any specific action, but any and all editing becomes slow. Even moving the cursor comes to a crawl and I see CPU usage up to 100% while I move around, not to talk about typing code. It does however not effect the IDE itself, so any operation outside the code editor windows is normal. The problem is localized to keypresses in the the editor window(s). And it doesnt happen at once or immediately, usually it takes somewhere between 10 and 30 minutes of active editing.

My typical solutions consist of 2-20 C# projects and possibly some ASP sites and/or webservices. Class count goes from 50 to thousands, What I have noticed to be a serious problem for the R# analyzer are obfuscated assembly references. There are a bunch of exception reports on your system dealing with this. Might be that this is a trigger for the problems.

Number of open files in the editor is usually rather low, seldom more than fit visually on the tab bar (less than 10 commonly).

My hardware is either a VM with 2GB memory, hardware virtualization enabled with one monitor, or the real machine with 4 gb, 4 processors, dual monitor. The same problem happens on both configurations.

When I have time I will do some performance snapshots and send them to you. So far I am already spending much more time on solving R# issues than I'd like.


Good tip, I've tried that out and it has made some noticeable difference for me. Although these were some of the features I use R# for, it is better than nothing at the moment.


I've noticed a significant difference in Silverlight projects vs. .NET projects, and to that end... any projects with XAML in them (Silverlight or WPF) are significantly slower - and Silverlight is more so than WPF.  When I say slower, I mean all-things-text-editor related (typing, scolling, intellisense)

After R# 5.1's release, I've been pretty happy... until this week when a huge .cs file was added to one of our projects that was the output of several XSD.exe runs.  This file contains a couple hundred POCO classes.  Even after wrapping all the generated code in a region and added that region text to the Generated Code list in R#'s options, the entire solution went to a crawl.  Now I hate VS+R# again :(

I'm only on this project for a couple of more days, so I don't care to investigate much further, but... some observations for you all



First of all please make sure that you are using the latest release R# release.
Is it possible to create a small demo solution with yours huge autogenerated file and send it to us for investigating? Or provide me with detailed steps to reproduce it.
Thanks in advance!

Kirill Falk
twitter : masterqa
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

I've been seeing the same behavior and it's difficult to track down the
cause. I opened Visual Studio 2010 and created a new solution containing
some new (empty) projects: new web site, blah.Domain, blah.Repository,
blah.Domain.Tests, and blah.Repository.Tests. I then added references to
NHibernate as appropriate, added App.config to the Repository.Tests project,
and added the NHibernate Ghost Buster test. As I added domain classes and
mapping files, performance gradually degraded over time until eventually
ReSharper couldn't keep up with my typing speed.

At this point I had maybe a dozen very small domain classes and about an
equal number of creator methods to feed the Ghost Buster to validate my
mapping files. Each time performance degrades, I open to the Command window
and run ReSharper_ToggleSuspended a couple of times to restart ReSharper and
performance immediately returns to normal - very snappy response while
creating new classes. Within an hour or two, performance is so sluggish
ReSharper Intellisense can't keep up with my typing again. Typing is very
jerky and I can typically type "public string Name { get; set; }" before
ReSharper highlights string in the Intellisense dropdown.

The sad part of this is that ReSharper continually degrades performance over
time to the point that I have to manually restart it several times each day
even though the solutions are very small. The weird thing is that the
performance degradation issue is very noticeable in solutions in which I'm
adding lots of new domain classes, but I haven't noticed this steady
performance degradation in solutions in which I am refactoring the code. I
thought about trying to run the performance profiler on Visual Studio 2010,
but this would require a huge performance snapshot unless someone knows a
way to begin capturing at a specific point in time.

I also have a large website project in which I have to occasionally suspend
ReSharper to build the solution. Most of the time it builds without problem,
but occasionally I get an out of memory exception from the compiler with
ReSharper enabled. I suspect this is a problem I'll have to live with until
Microsoft finally releases an x64 edition of Visual Studio.

The biggest problem I'm experiencing with ReSharper 5.1.1 is that rename
breaks my code and behaves very strangely when working with web projects. I
can rename a public property and ReSharper renames only the declaration - it
doesn't touch any of the instances. It seems to work initially, then all of
a sudden for some unknown reason it stops renaming the instances. I suspect
something in memory is corrupted because about the same time rename suddenly
starts blowing focus as well. Any time rename touches a secondary code file,
ReSharper leaves focus in some weird state such that the current window has
partial focus but doesn't have keyboard focus (e.g. typing has no affect
unless I click somewhere in the window or Alt+W | 1 to bring focus to the
top window). This is a known problem that's somewhat annoying. The other
problem here is that about the time ReSharper ceases renaming correctly,
just about any action in ReSharper - rename, quick fix, whatever - ReSharper
blows the focus every time to the point that I have to Alt+R | R, new name,
Alt+W | 1 on every rename - even renames of variables in a method. When that
happens, I shut down Visual Studio and restart to clear the problem.

I've also noticed that performing a rename with an application window open
behind Visual Studio causes ReSharper to flash the background window to the
foreground three or four times in quick succession. This happens mostly with
Visual Studio 2008 running on Windows Server 2003 x86 with SQL Server
Management Studio in the background. I've also had it happen with with other
applications in the background.

"Andreas Saurwein"  wrote in message

Hello Andrey,
I dont see a problem in any specific action, but any and all editing becomes
slow. Even moving the cursor comes to a crawl and I see CPU usage up to 100%
while I move around, not to talk about typing code. It does however not
effect the IDE itself, so any operation outside the code editor windows is
normal. The problem is localized to keypresses in the the editor window(s).
And it doesnt happen at once or immediately, usually it takes somewhere
between 10 and 30 minutes of active editing.

My typical solutions consist of 2-20 C# projects and possibly some ASP sites
and/or webservices. Class count goes from 50 to thousands, What I have
noticed to be a serious problem for the R# analyzer are obfuscated assembly
references. There are a bunch of exception reports on your system dealing
with this. Might be that this is a trigger for the problems.

Number of open files in the editor is usually rather low, seldom more than
fit visually on the tab bar (less than 10 commonly).

My hardware is either a VM with 2GB memory, hardware virtualization enabled
with one monitor, or the real machine with 4 gb, 4 processors, dual monitor.
The same problem happens on both configurations.

When I have time I will do some performance snapshots and send them to you.
So far I am already spending much more time on solving R# issues than I'd

Original message URL:


Hi Kirill,

You should be able to reproduce this problem (well the problem i was having) by doing the following:
1. Download the .NET version of quick fix from here:
2. Extract the zip file to you PC
3. Create new VS2010 project
4. Add a reference to the lib\quickfix_net.dll and lib\quickfix_net_messages.dll
5. You should see slow down. If not then try using some of the Message class within the quickfix_net_messages assembly. When i do this VS2010 is basically unusage with R# installed.



I just installed the 5.1 trial and the performance has not improved at all compared to 5.0. Right now, as I'm typing, Visual Studio is trying to open a 25 line .cs file in Visual Studio, it's taking about 5 minutes! Of course, everything goes back to normal after suspending ReSharper.

Will this issue ever be fixed? It's the most discussed on the ReSharper community...


Andrey Serebryansky

Hello Michiel,

We're sorry for the problems you're experiencing with ReSharper. Could you
please take a couple of performance snapshots and upload them to our ftp
server? This would really help us to find out what goes wrong with ReSharper
on your machine/on your solution, so that we could fix it. I'm afraid we
won't be able to address this problem without a snapshot or a sample solution
with repro steps. Thank you!

Andrey Serebryansky
Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

I just installed the 5.1 trial and the performance has not improved at
all compared to 5.0. Right now, as I'm typing, Visual Studio is trying
to open a 25 line .cs file in Visual Studio, it's taking about 5
minutes! Of course, everything goes back to normal after suspending

Will this issue ever be fixed? It's the most discussed on the
ReSharper community...


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