Advice on improving Resharper 5.0 performance with VS2010
I am using the Release version of VS 2010 with the latest R# 5.0 build (release build and not nightly).
I run all this on a MacBook Pro with 4GN of RAM running Windows 7 using BootCamp.
I tried VS without R# and it performs very well but as soon as I install R#, editing the files becomes painfully slow.Scrolling up and down the .cs files is very laggy for example but the slowness is noticeable on a lot of other actions.
I already turned off the solution-wide code analysis but it's still slow. Are there other things we can "tweak" in the settings or things we can turn off to improve the performance without removing too much of the R# functionality?
Any tips would be greatly appreciated because I don't want to have to uninstall R# and lose the money I spent on the license
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We will open EAP for ReSharper 5.1 in June
Could you please capture a couple of performance snapshots (following instructions at and upload them to Thank you!
Kirill Falk
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Could you please capture a couple of performance snapshots (following instructions at
and upload them to Thank you!
Also you could mail me directly Kirill[dot]Falk@jetbrains[dot]com
Kirill Falk
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Also noticing a general lag... although not as dramatic as others have described. R# 4.5 on VS 2008 performance was snappy, however R# 5.0 on VS2010 is not as quick. One case, when I depress CTRL and hover with mouse cursor over a declaration prior clicking for "Go To Declaration" the mouse cursor flickers and it takes almost a full second for the blue line to appear beneath the symbol. Sometimes I have to click twice for the event to be recognized.
Windows Vista Business
Intel Core2 Duo 3.16GHz
8.00 GB RAM
Could you please mail me directly via email? Kirill[dot]Falk@jetbrains[dot]com
Kirill Falk
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
I have just tried downloading the latest dotTrace beta, but I'm told my trial has expired. I downloaded this previously in the R# pre-releases to help with a few performance issues then too?
With R# 5.0 enabled, opening an XML file of 37mb cripples VS 2010. R# must be suspended before I am able to gain control of the IDE again. This was not the case with R# 4.5 on VS2008.
Have you tried the latest 5.1 EAP nightly builds?
"James Crowley" <> wrote in message
Is there a YouTrack issue on this?
Jeremy Roberts
Just installed it. The behaviour I am seeing is still present and repeatable.
JetBrains ReSharper 5.1 C# Edition Pre-Release
Build 5.1.1700.249 on 2010-05-20T16:48:06
Jeremy Roberts
I wouldn't mind trying but I can't find where to download it
Also wanted to add that I'm hitting the same issue. One thing that did help was nuking the Resharper cache. At least for a little while... we'll see.
Same problems here. Even with the Nightly Build from June 5. the Texteditor performance is nearly unbearable. Scrolling with the cursors (up or down) and even with the mousewheel is always delayed at least .5 seconds. Sometimes even more. Suspending Resharper removes the problem completely. Using a Solution with 20 Projects and a few thousand files. Solution wide analysis is off at the moment. I hope this will be fixed soon!! Working without resharper is really hard
I am also suffering terrible performance on a high spec machine with the latest nightly build. Why is there no word on JB for this? Do they acknowledge the problem? Is it effecting everyone? What are the plans to fix it? We love resharper but we are seriously consider moving away if performance isn't addressed soon
+1 PLEASE sort this sooooon guys.
I've given up entirely and switched to a trial of DevExpress's tools instead. They're not quite as extensive, but at least they're fast.
We do not see these performance issues at our side
Please could you install dotTrace profiler and make a snapshot with this slowdown, and then send it to us for analysis?
Thank you in advance.
I have already done this (sent to your support address), and was told that it was already under investigation???!
I've checked that snapshot from he support. This problem is known - Garbage Collection during Avalon painting.... We are still investigating how we can handle this issue
This is very weird - there's no ReSharper in the snapshot - it's all VS editor. What have you been doing while capturing the snapshot?
The slowdowns in .aspx files are fixed in 5.1 EAP which is available at
It's nice to have a cofirmation that the issue is known, but it took you guys way to long to acknowledge this, especially if you take into consideration the amount of posts (and views) on this thread.
Now all we need is an estimate on the fix, will it be in 5.1 or after?
I think it would be hard to estimate a fix version since they are still "investigating how to handle the issue".
To estimate a "fix in version" you generally must know how to handle the issue, or at least know the different options available for handling it to estimate work/impact.
just my 2 cents..
(I'm also longing for a perf. improvment fix, my cpu spikes all the time with vstudio2008/RS 5.1 EAP, but also did it with 4.5 so dunno if it's the same problem))
Hello David,
There are several performance problems in ReSharper 5.0. Some of them have
been fixed and you can grab the latest nightly build with fixes at
We're also aware of some of the others, but (as Eugene has pointed out) we
don't know how to fix them yet. There are also problems caused by Visual
Studio 2010 itself in combination with ReSharper and possibly there are some
issues we're not aware of yet.
So, in order to properly answer your questions we should first find out for
sure what kind of problem you're experiencing (since there're multiple kinds
of them). Please capture a couple of snapshots (the instructions have been
posted numerous times in this threads) and upload them to the corresponding
ftp server. After doing so, I'll be able to tell for sure if this problem
is known and if/when it will be fixed. Thank you!
Andrey Serebryansky
Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Hello Michael,
Could you please upload a couple of snapshots as well, so that we could confirm
the type of the problem you're having? Thank you!
Andrey Serebryansky
Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Hi Andrey
I'm just wondering - might the problem at all be related to the VS 2010 option "Automatically adjust visual experience based on client performance?" (see Tools | Options | Environment | General). I've seen some bug reports about it being the cause of performance problems in VS 2010 editor.
I was having the exact same problems: slow editing of ASP.NET files, slow navigation through C# source files, half second delays between keystrokes...
I just installed 5.1.1707.19. I haven't had a chance to do a lot of work with it yet, but I can tell already that these problems are all VASTLY improved.
I am, unfortunatly, unable to say the same thing. The issue I am experiecing seems to still be present.
Jeremy Roberts
ditto - no change in (poor) performance for me either.
It would be great if you either send us your solution for investigation or at lest capture a snapshot of slowdown.
Thanks in advance.