reverse dependencies

Is there any way of browing all the references from a class (or method) to anything else.  This is like the reverse of "All Usages", it instead finds everything that "is used"

I suspect the information is already available within R#, but I cant find anyway to display it.

This would be really useful to give an idea of what things a class depends on.

Permanently deleted user

Hello David,

You can easily browse all references "from" a class by right-clicking the
corresponding .cs file in Solution Explorer and running 'Find Symbols External
to Scope'. Let me know if this helps. Thank you!

Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

Is there any way of browing all the references from a class (or
method) to anything else.  This is like the reverse of "All Usages",
it instead finds everything that "is used"

I suspect the information is already available within R#, but I cant
find anyway to display it.

This would be really useful to give an idea of what things a class
depends on.

Original message URL:


Brilliant - thats exactly what I wanted

Shame its not available on a class / method from within the "Inspect" context menu as well.


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