More Performance Problems in 6.1: Slow and Excessive Memory Usage
Not sure what's going on here. I have 21 projects, code analysis turned OFF on all projects primarily because it's a feature I can LIVE WITHOUT - keeping it ON slows down Visual Studio.
I'm editing some Razor templates and, AGAIN, Resharper is dragging down Visual Studio and Resharper's SLOW responsiveness is infurating. I'm tryping 4 or 5 characters ahead of Visual Studio and waiting sometimes 3 - 4 seconds for Visual Studio to catch up.
I honestly thought these problems would be gone in 6.1; but a new problem arises: EXCESSIVE memory usage.
Take a look:
What on this green earth is Resharper doing with over 1GB+ of RAM?
It seems the longer I have VS2010 open, Resharper continues to eat up RAM. I'm willing to bet money there's a MEMORY LEAK going on somewhere.
Honestly, there NEEDS to be a way to TURN OFF features WE DONT WANT OR USE. Feature bloat is becoming a PROBLEM with Resharper.
Resharper is OK for up to 3 small projects in a solution, but as an industry professional working on a commercial projects Resharper GETS IN THE WAY and Resharper performance is a serious pain point.
I don't even know where to begin debugging this.
PS. And after typing this post and not typing a single line of code in Visual Studio, "Managed memory" has now increased to 1.03 GB. You see what I'm talking about?
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Hello Brian
Thank you for detailed report. For sure, this behavior is not right and we should investigate it. First of all, please check if this still happens with the latest build of ReSharper 6.1.1 from
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Noticing same issues. I don't have quite the number of projects as Brian loaded at a time - around 15 max. However these have many references to other projects and libraries. I am running multiple instances of visual studio however - max four. If I do the same on a different computer without Resharper installed there are no memory issues.

As Brian is noticing the memory usage just keeps on growing over time until VS reaches unusable state and all instances of visual studio have to be restarted. This usually happens when memory usage reaches > 1 Gb.
I've got majority of features turned off - javascript and css intelisense makes editors unusable and it generaly interfeers with work. No pleasure developing there at all. Only using .cs features.
On an educated guess it is possible that the issue magnifies as you attach / detach debugger to a process multiple times. Could be unrelated though.
I also have to agree with Brian how resharper has become much too bloated with features very few actually use. Please don't concentrate too much on adding new features when there is outstanding work to be done with fixing bugs for existing ones.
Here's my version info:
Can you confirm there is a newer version that addresses these issues?
Hello Ales
There's a newer version available which addresses some performance problems, so you're welcome to download it from
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Thanks Andrey. Will give it a go and see how it measures up over a week.
Hi Andrey
This link points to the current production version 6.1.1000.82 , this has been around for ages I downloaded this in March to "Cure all my Woes" , which It didn't I may add.
I agree with the comments above , there are too many features that stop the base features from working properly , but I suppose now V6 is old hat and we wait for the shiny new toy that is V7 .
I see a similar post re XML files , most of my woes were Database Projects as well. The uncontrolled growth of RAM usage seems very familiar
I assume work on V6 is now stopped.
As you know finally I gave up and move back to Another product
Sounds like some of your other users are having an equally frustrating time
Is anything going to get done about this ????
Have to agree with Mike. Thinking of moving to another product as well.
I tried out the latest version as per link posted and after some time using it I'm seeing similar RAM usage levels as before plus a host of other issues. Some of those are:
- at some point code markup will stop working. It will no longer recognize enum references as valid (red markup). Applies to .cs and .cshtml files.
- circular suggestions. A good example is convert method parameter from List<> definition to IEnumerable<>" -> "multiple evaluation warning" -> convert parameter back to List<> -> back to step one.
- Javascript intelisense on large files is just unusable - slows down to a crawl
- CSS auto suggestions are just plain anoying. typing out a css class name in .css file and pressing space just insers whatever first name was found in dom. Not very helpful if you want to add a new class and it's not found in dom.
- Mvc razor auto completion: typing @if and then ( to begin condition automatically inserts "@IFilterProvider()". This is anoying the hell out of me because I have to replace it every single time.
Just a few points of frustration for me. Mike, would you mind sharing what other product you moved to and how it is working out for you?
Hello Ales
Thank you for detailed response! I'm sorry to hear that ReSharper 6.1.1 doesn't work well for you too. Is it possible for you to capture a memory snapshot by following the instructions at This would really help us to track down the problem and fix it. As to the other problems that you've mentioned:
- Could you please attach a screenshot of Visual Studio window demonstrating this behavior?
- This is a known problem and we'll address these circular suggestions in one of the future releases
- Is it possible for you to capture a performance snapshot as well for JavaScript IntelliSense problems (you can find the instructions on the page mentioned above as well)
- You can change the options under ReSharper | Options | IntelliSense | Autopopup | CSS from 'Display and preselect' to 'Display and not preselect' in order to prevent ReSharper from accidentally completing selected items from code completion list
- You can avoid this behavior with the same steps as well (use 'Razor' autopopup options page instead). This particular problem should get addressed in the next version of ReSharper
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Hello Mike
Thank you for feedback! We're well aware that there are ReSharper users who experience problems with its memory usage and performance and we're constantly working hard on fixing those problems.
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Hopefully I'll get some time to delve into it next week. In the middle of a big deploy right now and brain just not up to the task atm.
Hi Ales
I am sure Jet Brains would prefer if I didn't extol the virtues of thier competitors on this forum !! They had grunted before now at my criticism.
If you want to drop me a mail on I would be happy to share what investigations I have done and the outcomes
We have just pruchased 5 new licenses and one upgrade from 5.1, and we are starting to regret this as the performance is just not satisfactory.
When do you expect to have addressed this probelm?
Hello Simon
Could you please provide some more information about the performance problems that you're experiencing:
1. What's the exact version of ReSharper that exhibits this behavior
2. Which actions are slow with ReSharper and how slow they are (seconds/minutes etc)
3. How big is your solution (how many projects and files are there)
4. Please describe your hardware configuration and software configuration (such as OS version, installed antivirus software) in detail
Thank you!
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Andrey: Just to clarify, are you "working hard on fixing those problems" for the current release (v6.1), or only for v7?
Since you don't seem to have launched your usual free upgrade offer yet, telling people the problems are fixed in v7 probably won't go down too well...
Scratch that - I've just noticed that you have launched the free upgrade offer, as of 1st June.
1. What's the exact version of ReSharper that exhibits this behavior
JetBrains ReSharper 6.1 Full Edition
Build 6.1.1000.82 on 2012-02-15T15:14:48
Licensed to: XXXX
Plugins: none
Visual Studio 10.0.40219.1.
Copyright © 2003–2012 JetBrains s.r.o. All rights reserved.
2. Which actions are slow with ReSharper and how slow they are (seconds/minutes etc)
intellisense; intermittent 2-3 seconds
typing; intermittent 2-3 second lag for letters to appear
mouse scrolling; intermittent 1-2 seconds
memory bloat and high cpu usage
significantly slower build times than pre-install
3. How big is your solution (how many projects and files are there)
14 projects
...csproj has 25 file(s)
...csproj has 39 file(s)
...csproj has 53 file(s)
...csproj has 905 file(s)
...csproj has 23 file(s)
...csproj has 15 file(s)
...csproj has 13 file(s)
...csproj has 19 file(s)
...csproj has 112 file(s)
...csproj has 73 file(s)
...csproj has 20 file(s)
...csproj has 14 file(s)
...csproj has 23 file(s)
...csproj has 37 file(s)
4. Please describe your hardware configuration and software configuration (such as OS version, installed antivirus software) in detail
XP 2002, SP3
Symantec Endpoint
One other thing I have noticed is that the namespace rename leaves unnecessary "usings" littered about the code
Hi Simon
Looks like 32 bit Windows ?, There are several other threads on this forum about performance etc , maybe worth a "back read"
I was having issues with Memory usage , with frequent OO Memory errors .
Jet Brains so much as said that the 3.5 G available on a 32 bit OS "could" give issues. My PC is hardly a low spec , its i7 quad 2.3 4 gb RAM , SSD & Wn 7 so in terms of lap tops not much more you can do without going 64 bit
The size of project , how many projects all add up and eventually you run out of memory. I saw it particularly with Database projects in VS 2010. I do have other add ins such as SQL Prompt so its all competing as ever.
Maybe as a test watch the Task Manager and see how much RAM the IDE takes up . You will probably see this grow from 400 ish to 6,7,800 then whammo , OOM error
I eventually had to give up , my company policy did not allow me a Bigger & Better PC , so in short R#6.1 was really incomptable for normal dev work on a 32 bit system.
The thread got a bit vitriolic in places but that was the outcome. Eventually I reverted to a competitor product with a smaller footprint (and less features too) and lived happily ever after.
I hate to say it but the last release of anything to alleviate this was the 6.1.1 release in March(?) , and my best guess is that all efforts are now going into V7 for co release with VS 2012. There is certainly no obvious sign of a further v6 release to mend it.
In essense , my thought is that the number of features has got beyond managability in Win 32 , code analysis unfortunatly runs many of the features like quick fixes etc so turning them off helps on the one hand but kills the product on the other.
A bit of a grim picture. JB will no doubt ask for memory profiles, details of hardware as they have etc , but ultimately come up with nothing. I may sound bitter cos I am. R# is far and away the best IDE Add in but if it doesn't work or crashes the IDE its not a lot of good.
I have a Love Hate relationship with it , I would love to use R# BUT ...
BUT no obvious sign of the "Improvements" they are working hard at . There hasn't ex
actly been a maintenance rlease since 6.1.1
Nightly builds are one thing but the "released" product is another
Thanks for the info Mike, you must be very committed to R#. I bought 6 licenses for my team only last week but am ready to throw in the towel and opt for a refund. The coding productivity improvements are irrelevent in the face of having to restart VS and initiate a 15 min bitiching session with the whole team about the crap spec PCs we have etc. etc.
I will give JetBRains to the end of the day to spell out what options I have (if any) for imprviong the situation but failing that its off somewhere else.
Hi Simon ,
Quite the opposite , I threw in the towel some months back after a protracted period of trying to get s
ome sense out of Jet Brains as to how they would resolve the performance issues.
I opted for the refund for the V5-> v6 Upgrade and spent it on something which at least doesn't crash VS every hour on the hour !!
I work for a big corporate who "issue" PC's , this time around we got a good spec PC but still Win 32 . Trying to negotiate with accountans to better spec is not really worth it .
I have done extensive testing on the main alternatives but all my usage really is personal rather than company, If you would like my thoughts and to see how I eventually resolved this to the best I could get , then maybe drop me a private mail .(
I am sure Jet Brains would not like me extolling the virtues of the opposition on this forum...
Hello Simon
Thank you for detailed response! In order to speed up ReSharper you can try the following things:
1. Switch to built-in Visual Studio IntelliSense under ReSharper | Options | IntelliSense | General
2. Turn off coloring identifiers or code analysis under ReSharper | Options | Code Inspection | Settings
3. Try turning off the antivirus software
4. Some performance problems are fixed in the upcoming ReSharper 7, so it would be great if you could try the latest nightly build from
Let me know if this helps. Thank you!
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Hello Mike
By the way, recently we managed to update our wrappers ( for Visual Studio 2010, which can fix those OOM exceptions that are due to memory fragmentation. May I kindly ask you to try this wrapper with ReSharper 6.1.1 and with the latest build of ReSharper 7 EAP and check if any of these two combinations work for you. Thank you!
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Hi Andrey,
Before I try v7 can you confirm that while it is EAP it will not break my code, at worst it will make VS hang?
Also does it have known issues on 32 bit machines?
Hello Richard
Most of the performance fixes we're working at involve some big architectural changes inside ReSharper, so we cannot provide them as bug-fix updates to ReSharper 6.x. Thank you!
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Hello Simon
Each nightly build passes more that 35k automated tests before being published, and we also mark the builds which are reported to have problems with "BROKEN" comment. Also at the moment I'm not aware of any specific problems related to 32-bit machines. Thank you!
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Mike, Richard,
First off, apologies, as my colleague has also indicated. We realize you're having issues. Mike, we appreciate your support and understand your love/hate relationship with ReSharper. It can be frustrating when all you hear is that we're working on it, but also trust me that we are. The amount of time we spend on performance improvement is quite high. In 6.0 we spent a fair deal of time paying back technical debt and in many areas had a 300% performance increase in speed. In terms of memory, there have been reductions top. So, yes, with numbers I can say that we actually do become faster with every release (both major and minor), which is quite difficult to achieve at the same time knowing the amount of features we add.
I can also realize that it might be frustrating for us to ask for memory and performance snapshots, but if we don't have the bare minimum to try and figure out what's going on on specific machines, how are we meant to even begin to detect the problem? Not everyone has the performance issues you and others indicate in this thread. Not everyone actually has perforamnce issues, but when they do, it's based on different areas/characteristics. Crazy things such as mouse drivers, keyboard drivers or video drivers can even have an impact on this. We have over 40.000 regressions tests, many many Virtual Machines and a QA department that tries to simulate multiple OS's, configurations and whatnot to try and cover all areas, but not everything can get covered.
So while I understand you both, also please understand us. You, as our customers, our users are fundamental to us. We don't brush you or any user off by saying "we're working on it". If we say that, we actually are. And I also think that we have a highly competent group of developers in a very competent company that knows how to deliver software, so it's not some silly thing we're missing.
We are hear to help and will happily do so to the extent possible to try and solve the problem.
Thank you.
I'm using R# since release 1.0 (and can't miss it since then :)). Over the time R# became slower and consumes more memory, but it
also became tons of new features (and Visual Studio become slower too). My experience is that the performance of R# differs largely
from solution to solution. In general, if you are a C# programmer you are lucky becasue there are the least problems. If i read the
posts in the forums i see that the most performance problems are with ASP.NET, Razor and VB.
I personally have massive performance problems with a large VB solution and i must say that the support of Jetbrains is excellent.
I'm in direct contact with a developer and we try to find the reasons for my problem together. Naturally it's also work for me to
get memory and performance snapshots, but i love doing this because i know that Jetbrains takes care of my problems and i'm able to
help them to make their product better (which is also good for me :)).
Also for the relative small money you pay for the tool you can't expect a lifetime support of a specific version. Over the years i
live with R# it was always so that Jetbrains deliver a major release every year or so, for which you have to pay, and some bugfix
releases in between. And you nearly always have the chance to use the EAP builds for no cost (ok, sometimes they are unstable, but
most time they are working without any problems, and you can always go back to an earlier build).
Did you try one of the 7.0er EAP builds? There are many improvements and enhancements.
Hi Klaus
Clearly a devoted fan. I was too , maybe not as far back as you. I have been using R# for 3-4 years , I used Visual Assist X for the balacnce of my dot net years, and still do.
My love hate relationship goes on . I think I can state that R# is the best tool out there , I have evaluated every option and combinations of options over the past 12 months and have found nothing invidually or combinations of tools to give the same feature set. So you convert but with a loss of functionality.
Hence the frustration , I know the tone of my repsonses here denies it BUT I REALLY DO WANT TO USE R#. Hence any issues I hit are even more frustrating.
I haven't looked at any nightly builds recently (Andrey what is the most recent for me to use), and I so far steered clear of V7 , am I right its only working in VS 2012 so far ?
I am sure that a lot of the issues would be solved by more RAM and 64 bit processing , I will be upgrading my personal PC some time soon , but that doesn't help the work situtaion.
I work on a mix of legacy apps with many still in VB , also we have a liking for VS Datbase projects as our source for SQL code. These both seem to be worse that C# projects . But as a previously VB "house" most of our big stuff is still in VB. So it may even confuse the size debate.
With V7 coming and VS 2012 , maybe now is the time to bite the bullet again.
It is great to see such enthusiasm for a product , and I must admit I miss certains aspects of R#.
So I'll "Put up and shut Up", @Hadi where do I get hold of the Memory Profiler , I will try and dedicate some time to creating memory logs of our worst projects , and contribute rather than moan !!
Once again Thnaks Klaus , you have prodded me at just the right time to take another look.
Hi Mike,
VS 7 works with 2005, 2008, 2010 and 2012. For performance, a tool is now built in. All you need to do is go to the ReSharper | Help menu and indicate you want to profile performance. I've blogged about it here:
For memory, please see here:
And thank you.