Not all files are processed


I have C++ project which contains 2300 files of 10.5MB total. I found that not all of files are processed by resharper. I looked at progress bar during processing and saw that it suddenly stops in the middle. Can i look somewhere for the name of file that causes this or Resharper doesn't support projects this size?

Permanently deleted user

I think I hit the same issue. I tried ReSharperC++ v1.0 with a small solution with 2 libs and 1 exe which uses the libs.
ReSharper points  a lot of my libs types as if they are not found (it does compile and they are in the same solution).
Maybe some dllimport/export macros used in class declaration makes it think these types are not types, but I think Resharper don't take all the code into account anyway.

Permanently deleted user

Not sure that you have same issue. In my case Resharper see files and navigates to them via F12, but actual processing doesn't work (no inspections, refactorings, intellisence etc.)
Looks like this forum is dead though, developers don't read it :(

Permanently deleted user

They do we are just the first usersreporting.
Also, I'm saying ReSharper says the types does not exists while looking for them does work too as you say. Includes are found and all.
Maybe it's only the analysis of the content which is broken.


Hi Iegor Sergieienkov,
Sorry for late answer. ReSharper C++ should work with 10Mb native C++ projects perfectly. Could you please create and send a sample project that reproduce the problem. Also it's more handy


Hi Joel Lamotte,
It's hard to say what's going wrong. It helps us a lot if you can attach sample project. Also please check  

Permanently deleted user

After some checks I realize that I can reproduce the isssue only with projects from the company I work for, Aldebaran. For example this one: (it requires to "pip install qibuild" and other manipulations, see the documentation). When I open it in visual studio with resharper for example all the types defined in qi/clock.hpp are red "cannot resolve symbol". The typedefs are fine.
I suspect that some magic macros are causing the problem, for example look at QI_API definition and dive in the rabit hole. The toolchain setup might play a role too but in the end it only use cmake to find dependencies so I don't see the issue.

I tried with Ogre and the dependencies repo for Ogreand they work as expected.

Permanently deleted user

I tried. I created new project and started adding all files there. After adding all of them everything worked fine. I closed VS and deleted resharper cache. After opening VS resharper started to update sources and stuck on that forever. After emtying include directory list project loaded normally. Then i added include directories back and reloaded project without closing VS, everythinh were fine. Then i close VS and cleared cache and resharper again stuck on updating sources. Strange that it didn't stuck on real project, i used same include list. Anyway i can't create a project of reasonable size. What i see is that when resharper works it takes some time to process large file when i open it (up to 5  secs), but when it's not then it takes less than a second and shows no errors. Strangest thing is that headers are ok. But corresponding cpp files are not.


Then could you please make performace snaphost of resharper activity during 'updating sources'. Here's instructions


Hi Joel Lamotte,  I cloned libqi, install qibuild and try "qibuild configure" but has a error

CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:55 (find_package):
  By not providing "Findqiprobes.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
  asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "qiprobes",
  but CMake did not find one.

How can I  intall qiprobes ?
Permanently deleted user

I'll ask the qibuild team.

Permanently deleted user

You should use:

qisrc init git://

to retrieve the sources in an empty repo and it will setup everything correctly.

Permanently deleted user

I don't think that there are any performance problems. It looks like infinite loop. VS is responsive, progress window shows names of files being processed, but names are the same.


Performance snapshot can also show us is it deedlock or infinite loop or something else,


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