[1624] WPF projects marked as error when solution wide analysis enabled

Since first builds of 5.0 all mine WPF application projects marked as error. Today without any explanation, but previously with something like "no Main method", but unlike other GUI applications WPF must not have it. So I need to ignore this errors with every new build of R# installed.


I cannot reproduce the behaviour. Could you please send as a sample solution for investigation.By the way, what build are you using and what VS?


Can't reproduce it when creating project from scratch, but it still shows on my real projects (after cleaning all ReSharper caches and settings).
VS2008 / R# 5.0 build 1624
I'll try to investigate how to reproduce it later.


It's dead strange. What if you clear ReSharper caches? What kinds of WPF projects to you


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