How resharper detects changed files? (by ModifiedDate ?)

First - why I need to know this:
1. We have a shared project of ASP.NET user controls.
2. We have several Websites that copy these controls into some specific location as a postbuild action

Therefore, upon compilation, R#'s SWA detects changes and reanalyses all those controls and their codebehinds and rest of copied stuff.
I want to avoid this if possible.
Most obvious way to do it for me is during that copy postbuild action, in case of overwrite leave modified date unchanged (I might lack some NTFS knowledge here) so that R# wont even notice the change.

I don't know whether its feasible or not - has anyone tried to do something similar, and do you know whether it is actually possible?

P.S. While writing the question it came to me that it would be better just to skip copy action if files are the same. But the question seem still valid to me.

1 comment
Permanently deleted user

Hello Sergei,

At the moment SWA detects modified files by modified date. There's a request
in our tracker: that proposes
to use checksum in order to detect actual file modifications. Thank you!

Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

First - why I need to know this:

1. We have a shared project of ASP.NET user controls.

2. We have several Websites that copy these controls into some
specific location as a postbuild action

Therefore, upon compilation, R#'s SWA detects changes and reanalyses
all those controls and their codebehinds and rest of copied stuff.

I want to avoid this if possible.

Most obvious way to do it for me is during that copy postbuild action,
in case of overwrite leave modified date unchanged (I might lack some
NTFS knowledge here) so that R# wont even notice the change.

I don't know whether its feasible or not - has anyone tried to do
something similar, and do you know whether it is actually possible?

P.S. While writing the question it came to me that it would be better
just to skip copy action if files are the same. But the question seem
still valid to me.

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