Request: To-Do Item Colorization

Currently, in the Fonts and Color dialog, there is one color that is
settable for To-Do items, however, in the Resharper -> Options -> To-Do List
configuration, each individual To-Do pattern can have it's own coloration.
I understand that these colors currently effect the color of the item in the
To-Do list; however it would be quite useful either have these colors effect
the editor output and/or have individual coloring for them in the Fonts And
Colors dialog.

The reason that I would like to see this is simple:  We define and use a
number of different To-Do list patterns to direct different teams on work
that may be required.  Having only the one color makes it difficult to
determine which of the 10 or so different items are directed to which team.
It is not uncommon to see a block like this:

// Team A: Customize for client A.
// Team B: Update for support of WCF
// NOTE: This code is requires that it be static due to being called from a
web method.
// HACK: Currently requires Enable Session because ...
// TODO: Determine if this can be refactored for....
// Code Review Item: David can you ....

You can see the issue.  Yes the To-Do list helps, but only slightly - we
need to see these clearly in the editor and having them all the same color
does not help.

Permanently deleted user

Hello David,

Thank you for suggestion! There's already a similar request in our tracker: and you're welcome to vote
for it.

Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

Currently, in the Fonts and Color dialog, there is one color that is
settable for To-Do items, however, in the Resharper -> Options ->
To-Do List configuration, each individual To-Do pattern can have it's
own coloration. I understand that these colors currently effect the
color of the item in the To-Do list; however it would be quite useful
either have these colors effect the editor output and/or have
individual coloring for them in the Fonts And Colors dialog.

The reason that I would like to see this is simple:  We define and use
a number of different To-Do list patterns to direct different teams on
work that may be required.  Having only the one color makes it
difficult to determine which of the 10 or so different items are
directed to which team. It is not uncommon to see a block like this:

// Team A: Customize for client A.
// Team B: Update for support of WCF
// NOTE: This code is requires that it be static due to being called
from a
web method.
// HACK:  Currently requires Enable Session because ...
// TODO: Determine if this can be refactored for....
// Code Review Item: David can you ....
You can see the issue.  Yes the To-Do list helps, but only slightly -
we need to see these clearly in the editor and having them all the
same color does not help.

Permanently deleted user

I'm using Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 version 16.2.5 with ReSharper Ultimate version 2019.2.2.

I cannot find a way to change the color of the TODO comments within my code. 

When I was using Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 version 14.0.25431.01 Update 3 with ReSharper Ultimate version 2016.1.2, it was easy.

I could open Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors > ReSharper Todo Item, then update the color and bold settings.

Where can I make a similar update in ReSharper Ultimate version 2019.2.2?


Hello Steve,


There's still "ReSharper Todo Item Normal" in VS Tools | Options | Environment | Fonts and Colors.

Thank you.


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