Move to Resource-Warning: Cannot move element to resource
I'm trying to use the "move to resource" function in R# 6.0 build 2144. I get a warning, that says "Cannot move element to resource" and I don't see any reason why R# can't do this.
The string is added to the resource file and in the Resource.Designer.cs the Property is created. The only missing stepis the replace the string with the Property.
Is this a bug or a feature?
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Does this happen with any solution (even in a newly created win forms project)?
Could you please attach a screenshot of the error message? Thank you!
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Yes. This time an exception occured :
Move to resource does not work for me either.
"Andrew Serebryansky" wrote in message
Does this happen with any solution (even in a newly created win forms
Could you please attach a screenshot of the error message? Thank you!
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Fixed in the last EAP build
The latest build I see is 2151. Do you mean this one? In this build I still get the error.
The 2151 build does not have fixes for it. Waiting the next EAP build...
I paid for 2017.2.2 yesterday just to have this silly issue of Move to Resource-Warning: Cannot move the element to resource kills me.
I download 2017.3 EAP 4 and still the same issue it just does not work I think I will have to ask for a refund since 2017.3 EAP 4 is now expiring in the next 28 days what is this seriously.
I know that I'm, not a perfect coder that is why I like your idea with resharper could be a great tool but hey you sell your software and people pay for it, sort it since you market is with all the great descriptions and explanations but it is just not working at the moment I can do it faster by manually coding than trying to use resharper. I recommend using an example of a before and after state will help anyone.
Ok, the thing I so badly missed is that I had to select the actual resource file. This small bit of detail can help a lot if it is mentioned in the error message instead of just saying "the resource cannot be moved" I mean 3 days flat just for this.
I will revert back to 2017 2.2 so I can benefit of my money spent, just have to live with performance issues now in VS.
Hello Freddie!
Please accept our sincere apologies for delay in responding and for inconvenience you've experienced.
We'll do our best to improve usability when working with resources.
Please let us know if you experience any other problems, specifically performance issues. Possibly we could help in this case.
Thank you.
So it's not only that it doesn't work on a blank, brand new project, but it shows that you don't care: what conflicts? What should we fix in "cannot move"? Why is it just "cannot do it" - any reason? It does not work in any other projects either. VS2017 community, latest r# ultimate - but didn't work with the previous either.

Please concentrate on fixing it rather than increasing the number of politically correct lies used in your messages like "sincere" "apology", "we do our best" - this just makes us upset: yeah, so we know that it's not sincere, that you're not doing your best. Be honest, treat us as partners and don't bullshit.
Hello Kovrob!
Thank you for the feedback.
Could you please specify if any tool is set to resource file in Properties window | Advanced | Custom tool?
Is there any chance you could provide some solution demonstrating the problem?
Thanks in advance.
Nah, no custom tool.
The problem happens with the most basic solution as well: Start VS2017, create a new solution by using the "Windows Forms App (.Net Framework)" template, double click on the form, insert 'MessageBox.Show("Dis");', then Alt+Enter on "Dis", choose the "Move to resource", accept defaults - and then voila, the above.
In the solution where it matters for me it adds the resource to the incorrect .resx file (maybe the first one in the project?) - so not to the one belonging to the control - but then I get the same error. In this default one nothing seems to be added to the .resx file.
Well, I can provide the zipped up solution, but it's really just the above.
It's 2020 and still broken: complains of conflicts that can't possibly exist. Rather strange a company of smart people can't solve a minor bug in 9 years.
Funny, it's 2021, and the feature still doesn't work, yet it's still there. I mean - it's 10 years anniversary of a broken feature, shall we celebrate or something?
Hello Dmitry Kirsanov,
Thank you for contacting us.
It's a known issue. Here's a corresponding bug report -
Please, take a look.
Also, it would be great, if you could send us a sample solution where the problem is reproduced.
Does this issue happen only in your current solution or in others too?
You can submit a request with your solution here or open Visual Studio, go to ReSharper | Help | Report a Bug or Submit Request and attach your solution there before submitting the form.
Thank you in advance.
well its 2023 and this still isnt fixed
how on earth do people pay for this stuff,
jetbrains haven't even replied
i even tried an empty project with one localisable massage box string, no other strings
and it couldn't even do that.
Bobsdavenport, we are sorry for any inconvenience this unresolved issue may have caused. We will take a closer look at the scope of changes that need to be made once again, and, if possible, schedule them for one of our future updates.
It's now the 11th of March 2024, and even in the newest version of ReSharper Tools (2023.3.3), this ‘feature’ still doesn't work. An entry is added to the resx file, but nothing to the Designer.cs file, and of course the literal string than isn't replaced. And no, I won't supply an example solution, because I don't expect that you will do anything at all. This comment is just to point out that you don't care.
thank you for bringing this to our attention. We apologize for any inconvenience. We understand the importance of this feature and we appreciate your patience. You are always welcome to comment on the ticket in YouTrack and vote.
Thank you!