How to replace ICssSymbolResolver implementation in ReSharper
I'm trying to use my own ICssSymbolResolver but I'm having trouble replacing ReSharper's default interface implmentation. The ComponentContainer does not have any way to register MyCssSymbolResolver BEFORE ReSharper's CssSymbolResolver. I want MyCssSymbolResolver to be used when ICssSymbolResolver is resolved.
Any help would be appreciated.
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To clarify, my SolutionComponents for CSS never get consulted by ReSharper. The constructor is the only one called upon SolutionComponet initialization by the ComponentContainer. I want to hook into ReSharper's FilterSymbols() calls or IsVisable() calls to fit my needs.
public class MyCssFilter : ICssSymbolFilter
public MyCssFilter( IComponentContainer container )
public IEnumerable<IWebClassSymbol> FilterSymbols( IEnumerable<IWebClassSymbol> symbols )
return symbols;
public class MyCssResolver : ICssSymbolResolver
public MyCssResolver( IComponentContainer container )
public IEnumerable<IWebClassSymbol> FilterSymbols( IEnumerable<IWebClassSymbol> symbols )
return symbols;
public class MyCssVisabilityManager : ICssSymbolVisibilityManager
public MyCssVisabilityManager( IComponentContainer container )
public bool IsVisible( IWebClassSymbol symbol, IPsiSourceFile fromFile )
return true;
Hello Brian,
The corresponding developer should contact you soon.
Please note that we have a separate forum for ReSharper API-related questions
at Thank
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Thanks. I didn't realize there was a different forum for the OpenAPI. Thanks for that.
I should state my goal:
My goal is to remove specific symbols from ReSharper's CSS IntelliSense in order to workaround this bug here: