ReSharper 6.1 EAP

I keep checking back and wondering when?

These performance issues with resparper 6 are killin' me.

Typing in Visual Studio 2010 + ReSharper 6 is like runing Windows 7 on a Intel 386 @ 100 MHz. SLOW DEATH!!!

It really feels like I'm carrying a 50 ton gorilla on my back :(

Permanently deleted user

I spent a good bit of time last night think about my problems and experiences that I've had. I would like to share my thoughts below.

Well I don't want to walk away from ReSharper. Honestly I think I could deal with the performance issue for a bit longer but I'm just frusterated at the interraction and experiences I've personally had with on these forums and at the booth. I'm glad you treat your customers with the utmost respect and energy but this was not my personal experience. I wish it were different because in the past I have had such a great experience with ReSharper and Jet Brains. I use Team City and tried to get our team to adopt YouTrack. I have always been a fan of ReSharper and have actually personally promoted the product to many developers because I feel it's one tool you must have in your software toolbox.

I did try CodeRush again last night and it's so different. ReSharper tends to be tight and integrated focus on refactoring and code cleanup. The code cleanup is a big deal to me. When I switch to CodeRush it seems their product is all about refactoring with some poorly implemented cleanup tools. No real focus on cleaning up code as a first priority. It's being very hard to try to switch my mindset because clean code is so important to me.

I would like for you guys to know that in no way am I putting down the product because it's one of if not my most favorite software products I own. It's one of the first things that gets installed on any new PC or new installation. My ownly issue is the performance lost when going from 5 to 6 was so shocking that it really caught me off guard and sent me into a downward spiral. I will be the first to say yes I may have went a little far and have become a little childish but I'm so frusterated that one of my best tools is causing VS to "freeze" which really interrupts you when trying to get the code written. Any time it happens it just adds to the frusteration.

I'm still going to continue on my evaluation of CodeRush but I just don't see me being able to switch unless I'm just missing something. I just don't think CodeRush has put enough emphasis on code structure and cleanup.

I do apologize for the rants but the forums have allowed me to at least have my voice heard and now responded too more than "please download blah tool and sent a blah capture to us". I know you need that but in so many forums when people are talking about perfomance problem this is the only responce I'm seeing. It would be VERY nice to see things like yeah we fixed that and that. Oh that looks new, we'll look into it. Just something other than a copy and paste from some automatic response. I want the responses to feel human and know they're are people who care about the product on the other side.

Ok, I started ranting again. I want to end saying that I really love ReSharper and hope that you guys get a new release out soon to fix the performance issues. It's truly is one of the best developement tools out there.



Once again please accept our apologies and if I was the person that you talked to at the booth, I apologise for that too. I understand you enjoy the product and we very much appreciate your support. Our ultimate goal is to help you and every other customer solve the problem. I know you might be frustrated by the response that we ask for customers to send us snapshots, but please, understand, that there are so many factors that can cause issues with performance that it's impossible to just say "We know. It's fixed". There have been graphic cards, mouse drivers, plug-ins for source control, TFS, messed up and corrupt project files, so many different bizarre issues that it's just not viable for us to take wild guesses and assume your issue is fixed.

Do you know how many customers we have that are telling us ReSharper 6 is performing so much better than 5? Too many to mention. But we also have some customers that are saying the opposite. Most of them have pointed us to specific issues which I said, and we hope, are fixed in 6.1 but we need to make sure your is not a different issue. The only way to do that is to get information from you. I'm sure, being a developer yourself, you understand this very well.

So once again, our offer stands. As soon as you feel comfortable to try it again, please let us know and we'll do our utmost best to try and find the problem and solve it.


Permanently deleted user

True, true. You are right and it's good to here that they're many people having great success with R# 6. Your response has help A LOT and I thank your for taking the time to respond. I really appreciate it.

As for your offer, I haven't dropped you guys and even though I'm upset it's going to take a freakinly awesome product for me to leave R#. I'm just upset and think I just needed a human response to let me know there are people on the other side that care and are focus on quality. I just wanted to hear it. Also, I'm just looking at CodeRush. So far though it's not doing enough to even be considered as a replacement. Like I said I love that R# focuses on refactoring and clean tidy code where CodeRush looks like just a refactoring tool.

I do thank you for taking time out to respond. Are there people I could follow that show the excitement for R# like Mark Miller (MillerMark on Twitter) shows for CodeRush? That guy is so excited about CodeRush all the time. I would love to follow some guys to help balance out that excitement. I feel left out as a R# users when those CodeRush guys seem to be having so much fun. I just don't have the same experience when using CodeRush. I'm not sure why they are so excited which is another reason I'm trying out CodeRush.

I would love to get more connected with the R# community where it's exciting and fun. It would help combat these feeling of frustration that really aren't as bad as I make it sound. Well not every day... :p



We focus on making great tools and letting our users be the judge of the tools and we try and get our community excited by providing awesome features that make their life easier with development. That's our focus. I can't judge or make comments about what other companies focus on, but our main goal is to rock in our products and provide the best support and experience possible to our customers.

Having said that, we have various Company twitter accounts including one for @ReSharper where we offer tips and tricks. There is also where there are screencasts, interviews with team members (people behind the scene) and other goodies. We also have a Facebook page at and of course, I'm on twitter myself (@hhariri) to help with anything you might need.

Let's work together, let's try and solve your issue and make sure you're happy. For us it's not about losing a customer, it's about not letting a user down!



Oh and I forgot, you also have the product manager on twitter @orangy, Kirill in charge of QA @masterqa and @gorohoroh (our .NET Marketing Chief) among others too...     So there's definitely humans behind the machine :)     

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If they test on their projects they only test on their coding conventions. You need to test on the most diverse set of habits and practices available.

For example they did not find that "\ud800" is falsely marked as a compiler error! That is because they do not use Microsoft Pex like I do. Pex generates fuzzing-like testcases for unit-tests.

This would have been found when testing diverse codebases.

Permanently deleted user

One of the most annoying things that I already reported about is the lack of SDK, I have few internal plugins that I created for R# and now I can't really use them because there's no SDK available!

I wasted enough time developing these addons and I don't feel like wasting more time by digging into your code and try to figure out the changes myself!

The most annoying thing is that in this post I was told to contact Hadi Hariri and the response I got from him was as follow.

On 03/09/2011 23:52, Eyal Shilony wrote:


I need the R#6 SDK, where can I get it ?

Kind regards.

Hi Eyal

The SDK is not released yet although we're planning on doing so soon. We'll let you all know ASAP.


Hadi Hariri
Developer&  Technical Evangelist
JetBrains, s.l.r
Develop with Pleasure! |

I didn't give up on you guys yet, I really enjoyed the previous versions of R# and I hope you do something about all these flaws be it in the product or communication!

P.s, you know you have developers that are using and developing plugins and that extensiblity is core part of R#, why the SDK wasn't one of your primary concerns ? if not the first one.


Hi Eyal,

I apologize about the lack of the documentation for the SDK but that's already been remedied. Unfortunately we haven't yet released the SDK and that is why I did not follow up with you. As soon as the EAP for 6.1 is released, the SDK will also be released. When will that happen exactly? At this point I prefer not to make any more guesstimates since we've been saying a few weeks but few weeks have passed. But I'm hoping it will be soon.

In the meantime, any questions you have, either post a message here or contact myself and I'll make sure that your questions are answered by the correct developer.


Permanently deleted user

Hadi, I really hope for two things.

a) That for the next release of R# we're going to have the SDK ready with the release of the product.

b) That the SDK for R#6 is not going to take as long as the release of R#7.

P.s I'm not sure if you can answer me but generally you don't design an extensibility layer to break within every version of the product, I'm not pretending like I know what's going behind the scenes and I might be naive to think so but I've been desinging such systems and extending various other products and in R#6 the concept of extensibility is like a core product in the lowest priority, why ?


Hi Elya,

It will be sim-shipped with 6.1. You don't have to wait for 7.

Regarding the extensiblity I fully agree with you and that's why we've focused so much on the SDK and will be doing more so. It was an area that was greatly lacking. In terms of backwards compatibility, I'm not the ideal person to respond to that, but I can assure you that to the extend possible, when a breaking change is not required, the developers do think of backwards compatiblity. However, if something in the core requires changing that might affect the extensiblity points, then there's not much choice that wouldn't incur in hindering the product. But as I said, from the release of the SDK, the priority will be as high as everything else with ReSharper.


Permanently deleted user

Hadi, if there's a breaking change(s), that's fine, if you can't release the SDK on time that's fine too but at least document changes as they occur and point them in the website (if you haven't), that way we can start making changes in the beta rather than waiting, at least that's my opinion.

Thank you for responding.


Definitely, as I said, SDK is now a first-class citizen in ReSharper and we're going to be putting much more effort into it, including detailing any breaking changes.


Permanently deleted user

All of the pent-up anger about R# is unloading in this thread. The R# experience is just not a smooth one for most of us.

Permanently deleted user

No doubt. I was way more upset before I got some of the responses from them. All I know is that they really need to nail 6.1 and I think they are really trying to or at least I'm hoping. If 6.1 comes out and still have performance issue there is going to be many upset users.

I'm trying my best to be patient and just accept that 6.0 has performance issues that are being resolved in the next version.

I don't think we are hearing from everyone with issue. These post here are just from the ones who are at the breaking point.


Hi Brian,

Sorry to hear that. Have you logged the specific issue you're having or is it similar to one of the already known issues?

Permanently deleted user

ok, so I've been able to follow everyone but @hhariri because of the following error.

"Sorry, you can't follow this user (because they're blocking you)."




That's really weird since I've never blocked anyone in my life, except unless I clicked on some wrong button in the submenus in Tweetdeck which has happened in the past. I don't even know how to check if you're blocked. What's your Twitter handle?     

Permanently deleted user



Woah. I'm not sure how or why but you were right. My apologies. I'm actually very curious however why this has happened. I wonder who else is blocked....

Permanently deleted user


1.  We should be receiving an Email for 6.1 EAP to let us know where to download from?
2.  Has an ETA for 6.1 EAP been provided?


Permanently deleted user

Please consider taking off-topic discussions like these in private, it is a bit annoying for us who are subscribed to the thread :)

Permanently deleted user

I think you should re-read the thread. The messages are not off topic. This is a support forum.


Rob, we will be posting on the blog (with RSS feed), Twitter and other medium as soon as EAP 6.1 is opened. Regarding the exact date, I'd love to say next week (which is our aim) but I can't tell you for sure. Let's hope it is.     


next week (which is our aim)

Time is up.
Where is installation package link?
Permanently deleted user

Thank you so much! thank you for the SDK! <3

Permanently deleted user

What is the expected performance characteristics of using solution analysis in a large project? I understand thats a broad question given the ambiguity of the phrase large project. but a ball park expectation would be nice.

I am currently using Build on 2011-11-26T09:59:38, and while the performance feels better than 6.0. Their is still a very noticeable lag when I turn on Solution Analysis. As aresult I have had to modify my workflow to pause it from the solution errors window when I am making alot of changes in my project, then turn it back on to make sure I didnt unknowingly break something before building.

The application I am working on has 12 projects in the solution with most of the code concentrated in 10 of the 12 projects. I dont have a LOC metric to quote, but according to the resharper startup after a reinstall it is scanning about 2500 files which comprises of javascript, cshtml, class, and css files. The time it takes resharper to do this iniitial scan is a bit long but like I said I have only seen it do that once in a while like on a resintall/upgrade of resharper, or when I blow away the resharper cache.


There really isn't a number we could give on this. However with 10 projects you definitely should not be getting this type of lag. Is it possible somehow get more info on your project? Maybe try and reproduce the issue?

Permanently deleted user

Whats the best way for me to gather this information and submit it as an issue?


Can you install this plug-in into VS?

Close down VS and install it. Once you open it, you'll have a new entry in the Tools menu. Select the "Profile VS..." entry. It will start profiling. Work on your application. Once you think you have enough data captured that demonstrates the sluggishness, cick on Get Snapshot on the controller window that popped up. It then prompts to send us the file by FTP. Enter the required details it asks for and send it to us. If you can then send me the name of the file uploaded (hadi at jetbrains dot com), I'll make sure it gets looked at.

Any additional info about the solution, like type of projects, etc would be greatly useful also.



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