Feature request: Re-run last context

After trying TestDriven.Net for a couple of days, I was looking for equivalent TDD features in Resharper 7. Unfortunately there's a single feature missing, which is a must have when doing TDD style programming -> Re-run last context. This is a key feature e.g. when you are writing tests for a unit of work and want to re-run new tests in the current context (e.g. typically class scope).

Is this feature al ready on the back log? Anyone know of a work around for getting this feature in vs2010?


Original message URL: http://devnet.jetbrains.net/message/5460598#5460598

1 comment
Permanently deleted user

Hello Jasper
     ReSharper has the 'Repeat previous run' button which runs exactly the same tests that were ran previously. Let me know if it satisfies your needs. Thank you!

Andrey Serebryansky

Senior Support Engineer

JetBrains, Inc


"Develop with pleasure!"


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