File Structure Error
I am getting some unreliability with file structure , where no outline is showing. Restarting VS fixes it but ...
I also have CodeSmith installed , as you may know CodeSmith can be editted as a normal Tab in VS , this is preferred method and the method I use .
I am noticing that whenever I do an extended editting session with CodeSmith , File Structure seems to show no structure until I restart VS
Also should file structure still work if thge solution has an error and has not fully compiled , I am sure it used to .
The system is VS 2013 Pro, R# V 9 , CodeSmith 7.01 ( I also have OzCode installed). I suspect that this is not a V9 issue as it has happened before I installed V9
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I don't understand what you mean by "file structure" and it erroring. Can you post screenshots?
Do you not use File Structure !! -- its a window in R# , press Cnt F11 and it will appear, its a normal floating dockable window (R#>Tools>Windows>File Structure).
Do you not use it ? , I find it one of the most useful (must have) features in R#, its much of the reason I haven't tried JustCode and CodeRush as they are missing this feature.
It shows a one liner for each method, variable etc in your current edit pane, you can do all sorts with it .
My issue is that when you switch edit panes its meant to refresh and show THAT edit pane that you have just moved to
Sometimes it doesn't, I suspect that using CodeSmith as well may be interfering . It has only just started to happen
Has anybody any thoughts on this one ???
I don't have CodeSmith, so I can't test the problem you are experiencing, but File Structure seems to be working fine for me in R# 9.0. I do know that this window has a depency on the editor that is in use for a document, so if CodeSmith causes a different editor to open for a file than the default VisualStudio code editor, the file structure window might not work.
I've never see a problem with code windows, but I have seen similar issues with XAML windows. Apparently certain work flows cause Visual Studio to open XAML files with the XML editor rather than the XAML editor. When that happens the XAML intellisense does not work. Closing and opening the document in the normal way fixes that problem. Something like that might be happening in your case.
If there is a question about this, you can see if CodeSmith has added its own editor to Visual Studio by clicking on the "Open with..." open within the context menu of the Solution Explorer and examine the editors that Visual Studio has available to it.
Hello Mike
Could you please run Visual Studio with the following command line: 'devenv /ReSharper.LogFile C:\log\resharper_log.txt /ReSharper.LogLevel Verbose'. After that reproduce the issue and attach the corresponding 'resharper_log.txt' file here.
I will be away from my pc
for the next four weeks, the joy of the retired developer , I'll resurrect the thread when I return