RS 9 does not find nested JavaScript function name
var FooNs = FooNs || {}; FooNs.Bar = function () { this.Foo = function() { } var zoo = function() { } function fooBar() { } return this; };
Given above code, I can find symbols Bar, Foo and zoo but not fooBar. Apprently same issue with RS 7. Is this by design or a bug?
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There is the same ticket in YouTRack
It is? That seems to be about go to file member (Alt-\), and this seems to work fine for me. It is not found via find symbol (Alt+Shift+T) though, which makes it difficult to track since I want to locate such functions throghout the project.
Regarding bug/feature: Since it cannot be found by ReSharper, wouldn't this be a bug rather than feature request? Sounds weird to me that RS not being able to find a symbol, that is a symbol, would be a feature request.
Thanks for the reply.
Filed a new one