Resharper Search Everywhere - not finding any files
Hi all,
My Resharper Search Everywhere function does not find any results (except from the editorconfig for some reason).

This happened after my license expired and then renewed and updated a few days later. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling resharper but no luck. Also tried clearing cache. It only happens with the one solution, all other solutions work perfectly.
I am on Visual Studio Professional 2022 version 17.7.4 with the Resharper extension version 2023.3
Can anyone please help?
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Hi, usually it means something is wrong with the project model, but I cannot confirm that because daemon indicator is cropped on your screenshot.
Have you noticed any other problems with R# functionality?
May I ask to send us log file? ReSharper → Help → Show Log and send this file to
Hi Alexander,
Thanks for the response!
I don't see any daemon indicator, here is an uncropped screenshot.
And here is the log file ID:
Upload id: 2023_12_12_dXkbGi4JERJWt2pdBbD81f (file: JetBrainsLog.JetBrains.2023-12-12T10-00-02.devenv#11500.log)
I see now the code cleanup is also not working, so I'm assuming there are more problems, yes.
There is nothing suspicious in log, it seems like for some reason we cannot properly read the solution. It is quite difficult to hypothesize further at this stage.
I can propose you to try a workaround by toggling the option “Read project model directly” in `ReSharper | Options | Environment | General`, but it is only short-term solution.
It would be very helpful if we could find and fix the source of the problem at our side. May I ask you to copy your solution to a new directory, remove all source files and add one empty cs file to the project, where it was reproduced initially. If the daemon indicator is still unavailable - please send this empty solution to the Perhaps even a single csproj would be enough for reproduce, but that would have to be tested. Thanks!
So I still have no idea what caused it, but it seems to be fixed.
I committed the current files, then deleted all the source files except one, then it started working. So then I re-added all the files to recreate the issue again, but it continued working.
Very strange but thanks so much for your help!