Resharper C++ does not not index Unreal Engine anymore
JetBrains ReSharper 2023.2.2
Build 232.0.20230919.80758 built on 2023-09-19
ReSharper C++
2023.2.20230920.172610 (up to date)
Visual Studio Community 2022
Version 17.7.4, InstanceId e215178a
Resharper does not index Unreal Engine 4.27.2 anymore. This leads to lack of syntax highlighting and wrong error highlighting. Resharper→Options→Clear Cache does not help. Neither does deleting the Unreal Project Intermediate folder, or deleting the .vs folder.

How to fix?
FYI The amount of issues I'm having with Resharper (generally really bad performance that sometimes slows down typing response to the order of SECONDS + one time even unusable slow-down that actually got fixed) is astounding, considering this is normally a paid product. I'll probably not become a customer once my edu license expires.
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What do you mean exactly by “anymore”? Did this happen after an engine update? Do you see the errors inside the engine or inside your own code? Only in this file or in all files in your project? Do include directives get resolved inside this file?
- Did this happen after an engine update?
No. All versions of the involved softwares (VS, Resharper, UE) stayed the same. I was able to use the IDE with proper syntax highlighting and no falsely marked errors before. It just stopped working. This has happened before, but usually deleting the Unreal Intermediate folder fixed it … until now.
- Do you see the errors inside the engine or inside your own code? Only in this file or in all files in your project?
My code, project-wide
- Do include directives get resolved inside this file?
The project builds, but intellisense/resharper don't work. Disabling resharper gets rid of the false error highlighting, but not of the lack of syntax highlighting.With resharper disabled, Navigation works though (E.g. CTRL-click on a method to go to its definition). With resharper disabled, the first include displays “There are too many errors for the IntelliSense engine to function correctly”, so might actually be an intellisense problem.
In rider, everything works.
Thanks a lot, some additional questions:
1) Does this happen in all files in your project or just in this one? If only in this one, have you recently added this file to the solution or is this an existing file?
2) What's the first R# error in the file?
With the file with errors open, could you please collect a couple of logs:
1) The R# log file from “ReSharper | Help | Show log”.
2) Open the Alt+Enter menu in the editor, paste “/all dump C++ inclusion context”, and save the resulting log.
Please upload the logs to and let us know the upload id.
“There are too many errors for the IntelliSense engine to function correctly” indeed comes from Visual Studio's IntelliSense, but I believe R# should not depend on it in any case in Unreal Engine solutions.
Thanks again!