ReSharper disabled when starting Visual Studio 2022 without internet connection

I'm writing to seek assistance with an issue I've been encountering with ReSharper in Visual Studio 2022. It seems that ReSharper becomes disabled when I start Visual Studio 2022 without an active internet connection, and I'd like to understand why this happens and if there's a way to mitigate it.

Here's some background information:

  • I'm working in a development environment that involves a virtual machine (VM) setup.
  • The VM uses a different proxy server when connected to the corporate VPN.
  • Occasionally, when working from home, I forget to switch the proxy server settings before or after connecting to the corporate VPN.
  • This results in the VM not having an active internet connection when I start Visual Studio 2022.

The problem I'm facing is that when Visual Studio 2022 detects that there is no active internet connection, ReSharper appears to be automatically disabled. This is inconvenient.

Is this expected behavior? 
Is there a way to prevent ReSharper from being disabled in this scenario?

Thank you for your support.


Hello Gabriel, 

ReSharper needs periodically internet to check the license. So once there's no connection during such a check the license gets disabled.

I'd suggest using our help article which describes how to use offline activation code. It's created for IntellJ IDEA interface, but ReSharper has very similar UI. If you have any questions please let me know.


Thank you for your prompt response. I have been using the offline activation code for years, and it's only recently that I started to notice ReSharper being disabled when opening a solution. The only pattern I could recognize was the absence of an active internet connection. The issue I'm facing with ReSharper being disabled is intermittent. It doesn't occur every time I start Visual Studio, making it difficult to reproduce consistently.

You mentioned that ReSharper periodically checks for an internet connection to verify the license. Is there is also a periodic check for offline activation codes?


Thank you for the reply, Gabriel.

Could you please collect trace logs for us we could investigate the issue:

1. Please select ReSharper | Navigate | Go to action

2. Type  logger /all

3. Select “Licensing” scenario

4. Reproduce the issue

5. Provide the resulting log (its location is set at the top of the “Logger Configuration” tool window.

6. Don't forget to disable “Licensing” scenario afterwards.

Thank you.


You can use our uploads service for sharing the log file.


I was able to reproduce this and I also enabled the logging of the ‘Licensing’ scenario. I have upload the logfiles:

Upload id: 2023_10_03_fn5gmTL9TkPmEJ3ntZvzZ1 (files: JetBrainsLog.JetBrains.2023-10-03T11-14-00.devenv#18920.err.log and 3 more)

I noticed that these files contain some sensitive information, and I would appreciate it if you could handle them with the necessary precautions.


I have explicitly unchecked the options ‘Use JB Account’ and ‘Use License Server’:


Unfortunately I still have the same issue with R# not loading when I am connected to the VPN of the customer I am working for and I don't use the correct proxy settings in my VM (VMWare Workstation).

I uploaded these logs as well:

Upload id: 2023_10_04_21nG9HooTYNAt8F6gwj88e (files: JetBrainsLog.JetBrains.2023-10-04T09-39-20.devenv#20296.err.log and 3 more)


Are there any updates for this reported issue?


Hello Gabriel,

I'm sorry for the delay in responding.

Turns out that the issue is not related to the license and it's a bit more complicated than it seemed at first.

Most probably, the issue is caused by certain environment settings. Could you please let me know if there's proxy used on your side and what are the proxy settings?

Thank you.


You can share them privately using our upload service.


While I cannot provide extensive details due to the nature of my work as a freelancer for the federal government, I can offer a general overview of my development environment:

  • Developers are provided with laptops running Windows 10, and these laptops are connected to domain X.
  • Development is carried out within a VMWare Workstation VM, which also runs Windows 10 but is connected to domain Y.
  • When I connect to the VPN on the host machine (not within the VM), I am required to use a proxy server within the VM to access the internet.
  • If I forget to configure the proxy server in this situation, ReSharper becomes disabled when I start Visual Studio. However, when I set up the proxy server and try again, ReSharper is enabled within Visual Studio.
  • When my host machine is not connected to the VPN, there is no need for a proxy server within the VM. In this situation, ReSharper is enabled within Visual Studio.

I find myself frequently switching between using a proxy server and not using one within my VM. It is during this process that I have noticed that ReSharper's status alternates between being enabled and disabled.

I hope this clarifies the situation in my environment.


Thank you for the reply, Gabriel.

Could you please also specify where you configure the proxy settings to make ReSharper work, on the host machine or on VM machine?



The proxy server is configured in my VM. I mentioned this in my previous post where I mentioned that I am required to use a proxy server with the VM when I connect to the VPN on the host machine.

Hello Gabriel,

I'm sorry for the delay in responding.
We've tried a lot to reproduce the issue, but haven't managed to do it. It seems that we need more details about your environment so we could build it the same way on our side.
Let me also suggest trying the latest [ReSharper 2023.3] ( and check how it goes with this version.
Thank you.

I have installed the latest version of ReSharper and am still able to reproduce the issue. 

To recapitulate: I'm working on a Windows 10 laptop connected to domain X, and our development is done in a VMware Workstation VM, also running Windows 10, connected to domain Y. When working from home and connected to the corporate VPN, it's necessary to configure a proxy server in the Windows settings of the VM to maintain an internet connection but when I'm working from home and not connected to the VPN, the proxy server configuration in the VM isn't required. 

When I'm connected to the VPN but forget to configure the proxy server in my VM, the ReSharper Visual Studio extension fails to start. Similarly, when I'm not connected to the VPN and forget to remove the proxy server settings in my VM, the same issue occurs.


Hello Gabriel,


I'm sorry for the delay in responding. 

I've filed an issue for reproducing - ReSharper stops working without internet connection. Please follow it to get the latest updates.

Thank you.


I have the exact same issue. When I’m working on my PC for development, it’s not connected to the internet, and I experience significant problems, even with an offline license. Visual Studio lags or freezes at startup, but if I enable the internet connection, it starts working properly again.


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