Installation On Mac

 Hi everybody. I just wanted to know whether i can install ReSharper Community on visual studio 2017 on mac or now.

If i can then please give me the instructions.

Official comment



Thank you for the feedback.

We have no plans to support "Visual Studio for Mac". We highly recommend to try JetBrains Rider for C# development on Mac.

Thank you.

Permanently deleted user

I think you should make plans, .NET core is opening up a lot of development on the Mac platform. I'm tied to visual studio, so rider is not an option. 

Permanently deleted user

lots of developers i know are now migrating to VS on mac. definitely a market there for JetBrains resharper.

Permanently deleted user

I was just looking for this. I just switched to VS on mac and now I am sad that there is no support for this.

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We have a full team of devs on VS for Mac with .net core - would love to have resharper.

Permanently deleted user

All my company developers use VS on Mac


I'm working on xamarin android and ios projects and rider doesn't have integration with xCode and doesn't support axml as well. So it would be grate if you make this integrations in rider either make resharper work on VS.


I think the official JetBrains response would be "We already have a .NET IDE for POSIX, it's called Rider." But I am following tutorials that use VS for Mac and I totally agree; you should port ReSharper.

Permanently deleted user

I come from VS for mac.

After shifting to Rider I feel just like "Does I've been hyped by Window's Rider users?".

Tons of shortcuts did not make for mac.

There are no F1...F2 shortcuts in any good mac software.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not said Rider is bad. But VS for Mac feels more fast and native for mac to me.

So I'm more happy to pay the same price as Rider but get just Resharper for mac.

Not sure anyone thought like me?


We also use resharper at our company and i'd like to consider for our testing suites but half the team uses VS on Windows while the other staff use Visual Studio on Mac.  It would be wicked to get it running on the mac.  We are currently running .net c# apps but will move to .net core in the near future.

Permanently deleted user

bump! Any answer by JB?

Permanently deleted user

How about I put it like this, if you don't someone else will fill this market gap.


With the arriving of .Net Core Jetbrains should deploy Resharper for Mac ASAP.


So Rider exists on Mac, and has the same functionality (albeit with a clunkier interface) than Visual Studio + Resharper.

Speaking of clunky interfaces, Visual Studio on Mac is horrid.

I would strongly recommend that if there _is_ a Resharper port to *ix that it gets built as a VS Code extension. That would be a lovely tool.


Still no plans to develop Resharper  for Mac? . The Community is growing and most mobile developers will benefit from this.

Permanently deleted user

I've just switched to Rider. It's fine.


Jetbrains doesn't care about the users. We can see how we've been ignored for 2 years



Permanently deleted user



Using ReSharper on windows more than 4 years. Love it. 

Now in new company switching to Mac + VS + .Net Core. Sad to loose Resharper. Will search and try other extensions...

Please make it possible for Mac devs


My suggestion would use Visual Studio for Windows under Parallels software for BootCamp.


Not developing this for the Mac is a mistake.


Bump bu bu bump bump BUMP BUMP


I totally agree with most here. An official ReSharper extension for VS Mac, or at the very least a port with the main features, for now, would put a ton of visibility on Jet Brains and ReSharper. A 30-day free trial then subscription would be more than worth it for most as the product works great and your users are willing to pay for solutions and tools that just work. See what I did there? :)


Rider has it built in.


Frankly it does not make sense for them to create Resharper for VS on Mac. Rider is a much better IDE for everything. You can use Rider for writing code and if you are tied to VS for something then use VS for that particular thing. 


People this is a very old thread, if you have a new complaint, please open a new issue. Don't be a necromancer, you never know which demons you're notifying.


Rider is interesting from the side of integrating MAUI and Avalonia solutions, but an IDE that does not handle errors in async methods is just a horror (the problem is more than 4 years old and they don't care).
+ immediately after installation, Rider declares an error in operation.

P.S. - at the moment the choice is obvious VS and VSCode


Hello Vladislav Monit

Could you please specify what problem you are referencing to?

Thanks in advance.


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