I've lost the ability to use code snippets
After updating to VS2017 Enterprise latest version, I can't use code snippets.
I type a snippet
mvvmprop and hit tab
No code is inserted and i see at the bottom it is doing `replace with tab` command instead....
I now hit tab.
No code appears, but it runs this command:
How can I get back to tab doing code snippet and not replace with item via tab?
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Hello Stuart!
Sorry for delay in responding.
Could you please specify if you get the same behavior when using Enter key instead of Tab?
Is the issue reproduced on newly created solution?
Thank you.
It's not only on new solutions. It is all solutions.
If I use Enter, it still doesn't work but the message that is displayed is different , it is "Insert Item via Return".
Thank you for the reply, Stuart.
Could you please start VS with the following command: 'devenv /ReSharper.LogFile C:\log\resharper_log.txt /ReSharper.LogLevel Verbose'? reproduce the issue and send log file to us (you can do it privately via 'Submit a request' form).
Thank you.
I've sent it :)
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