Why doesn't ctrl-left click go straight to implementation instead of interface definition?
When I ctrl-left click on a method, VS goes to the interface definition. Then from there I have to ctrl-shift-alt-B to go to the method implementation. This is cumbersome. Why doesn't it go straight to the implementation?
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By default ReSharper is using Ctrl+Click for navigating to declaration and Ctrl+Alt+Click for navigating to implementation.
This is ReSharper | Options | Environment | Search & Navigation | Rich mouse navigation feature.
Thank you.
Both requests are from 2008! I hope we don't have to wait for another 10 years.. or Visual Studio vNext will beat you to it!
Still waiting for this, drives me nuts having to Ctrl+Alt Click to go to implementation.
Please just make this configurable, we're all paying monthly subscriptions and feeling like you people are not listening.
Thanks. Can these be changed? For example have Ctrl-Click go to implementation?
The correspondent behavior cannot be changed, you can just turn on/off Rich mouse navigation.
As alternative I can suggest assigning 'ReSharper_GoToImplementation' command in VS Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard to any handy shortcut.
Thank you.
I'd agree it would have been better for CTRL+Click to go to the implementation, very rarely would I want to go to an interface declaration. Having said that I didn't even know CTRL+ALT+Click for jumping to the implementation even existed until reading this, so thanks for the heads up!
Yes I am not sure why the shortcut with the fewer keystrokes goes to the option that is less commonly used, specially when there's only a single implementation. I don't see why someone is more interested in going to the interface. I am rarely interested in going to an interface when I am debugging.
Maybe JetBrains can share with us their design decision.
Thank you for the feedback, Bryan and Abdu!
There's feature request on configuring Ctrl+Click action - https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSRP-78311.
Concerning navigation in debugging mode we have also such request - https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSRP-83351.
Please feel free to comment and vote for it.
If it helps, you can do this easily in Rider.
File > Settings
Search for "Implementation"
Find "Go to Implementation"
Right click it and "Add Mouse Shortcut"
Now I am happily CTRL-ALT-clicking all over the place :D
The question is about ReSharper in Visual Studio, not Rider.
This is still a problem in ReSharper and is still a total PITA.
14 years since the change request for this was first put in, and JetBrains couldn't care less.
Going to leave a 1 star review on Trustpilot until this is resolved.