Resolve XML documentation tags in quick help (<see> <seealso> <list>...)
I am very pleased that ReSharper C++ shows Eclipse style documentation pulled from XML documentation when hovering over functions, classes and so on. Example:
Now, MSDN has a list of recommended XML tags to be used for documentation:
<c> | <code> | <example> |
<exception> | <include> | <list> |
<para> | <param> | <paramref> |
<permission> | <remarks> | <returns> |
<see> | <seealso> | <summary> |
<value> |
I really would appreciate it if at least those where resolved by Resharper C++:
- References like paramref, see, seealso: Show the name of the linked subject without xml tags. It'll be superb if that one turns into a link I can click on.
- list: Show a ordered or unordered list as declared in the XML tags
Why that matters?
- It's great help to validate xml comments, especially references! You immediately know if you got your xml documentation right. This way I learnt all those JavaDoc tags because Eclipse resolved them!
- Gives developers another reason to document their code, because they immediately benefit from the documentation.
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Markus6687, thank you for feedback!
We have already supported top level tags <summary>, <param>, <typeparam>, <returns>, <remarks>, <exception> and nested tags <paramref>, <typeparamref>, <c>, <code>, <para>. I filled the issue for <list>.
Great! However, the most important ones are: